forum desires
please rate your most urgent wants so the forum developers can have somewhere to start fixing it.
I thougt I might start the ball rolling
no attacks, whinging etc, just suggestions :P
tried to edit to add the new posts first option to the poll but apparently I can't
maybe a mod could!
Post edited by Chohole on
I think newest posts should go to the top, I think that is a priority since right now you have to go throw 5 pages to figure out what is going on.
Agreed - there are groups I don't read and the 'new since last' means weeding them out as I go down the list. As the forum gets up to speed the list will just get unmanageble, whereas going into the group you want and working down from the top is allot quicker.
I had to go with "other", the forum should be updating itself constantly and raising the latest post to the first page just as the previous forum did. :-)
Thanks for starting this poll Wendy
While I would love to have my avatar back, I would rather have my old dark grey background.
I need email notifications to work (I'm not one of the lucky random people for which it seems to be working).
I need "permalinks" to work. As it stands, you can't link to a post that's not on the first page of a thread.
And yes, I need the active threads to float to the top of the thread lists.
Yeah, I noticed that with my poll, made a Typo and can't fix it.
I think that is a Poll setting thing they need to look at.
I voted "Other"
Suggestions are good, but let's have them get things stable; see my post on Site Issues; then get other things added.
Sorry folks, I vote we need our FLAGS back. Then I could post some work. The new TOS is killing me.
Other: Post order, with new-posts threads to the top.
This... whatever this is... is breaking my brain.
Next priority poll, I'll pick...
...[sound of crickets]...
Auuuugh!!! There's just too many! Too many bugs! Not the crickets, they're ok... Kind of soothing, really... as long as they stay out of the house. Then it's strictly catch and release. Unless the cats get 'em first. We just don't get as many crickets since they replaced that field with a smelly restaraunt... and frogs, we used to hear frogs all the time. I miss that... Funny... you never heard the frogs get in a singoff with the crickets. That would've been fun. Yeah, it gets quiet around here... except for all that damned traffic...
I'm sorry, what were we talking about?
We were talking about how the only thing that's needed to fix things is to Release The Millennium Cow!
Then all will be Right in The Universe.
We were talking about how the only thing that's needed to fix things is to Release The Millennium Cow!
Then all will be Right in The Universe.
Oh, that's right.
By the way, was there ever a Millennium Cricket? It won't fix anything, Just wondering.
Voted 'other' because the email notification needs to link to the last unseen post. I can't believe that people produce forum software without that function. Sadly, I can believe that Daz bought forum software without that function. The new site is a huge step back wards in many important ways.
At least you get an email notification! I don't get any! Just the happy newsletters.
1. Most recent post at top.
2. Restore flags.
I can live with the rest till they get around to fixing this poor crippled abortion.
Newest post goes to the top.
Link to first new post in the thread.
Stop breaking URLs. (Currently the software converts a percent sign followed by "20" into a space, which breaks any URL with that three-character string in it.)
Link to first new post in the thread.
Newest post goes to the top.
More Smileys and add frownies.
A way to link to smileys from different sites that allow hot linking.
an ability to stay logged in on the forums longer.
That is a big one that they will be working on.
That is a big one that they will be working on.
Excellent! That will finally make things feel normal again. It's really needed.
Excellent! That will finally make things feel normal again. It's really needed.
I couldn't agree more. It will make our job a lot easier and less time consuming.
I want all the bugs to go away and never return. (And also not send the post card inviting their cousins and other extended family here after they leave). I hate bugs.
Where can we find out what stuff is being worked on and what is being fixed?
Talking about fixing, Melody, Miss Cupcake, and Lady Gabrielle need to be fixed. Micah is already fixed.
We are working on trying to get an update on whats being fixed or what been done for everyone.
Also, it would be nice if they made sure they didn't break something else while fixing something. That's standard programming practice, to be sure you don't break something else. I say this because with all the "fixes" they've done in the store, it used to remember that I want to see 60 items per page, but now it always goes back to 15 items per page, even in the same session! One step forward two (or more) steps back.
That's the life of custom coding. You fix one thing and another breaks. They are doing the best they can as quick as they can. It will all be fixed eventually. People need to be patient. We've had 3 different stores and two different forums and not a single one went smoothly, so I completely understand what they are going through.
I thought it was more than that.
I think bugs are nasty.
I was saying my own personal store and forums.