Legacy Fun!

Using Genesis 1 as my actor, I'm having a lot of fun perusing any kind of clothing options from Any generation - and even other figures (like Poser, etc.,) entirely!
For stuff that doesn't work, I just run it through VWD. Some things work, others just break.
Having all of the various clones for Genesis makes it pretty foolproof, though. Most things just conform nearly as it should, and then I tweak the odd anomalies in the vertex modeler.
During all of the sales going on, and even just the usual ones on any given day, I find myself looking at the way back legacy items and grabbing ones that used to drop my jaw back when I first saw them a decade or so ago.
Lately this hasn't been just clothing and props, but also figures like animals, robots and creatures, etc.,
Over the Holidays, I was gifted the incredible Gold Club Membership over at PoserWorld, who are also making things for Daz 3D. Their site is filled with all kinds of cool stuff that supports these older legacy figures and has a massive collection of other props, animals, vehicles, etc.,
It's refreshing to see this stuff again - and now even own it and play with it!
Platinum Club + continues to help me out as well - giving me at least something even on the darkest of days - something that I can (and will) drop into a scene and put to use right away. Fun!
Rendo is another fun place filled with legacy stuff too, and let's not forget the amazing ShareCG!
Anyway, nowadays we have newer collision-detection algorithms built into Studio and so Shaping Morphs (and even movement morphs) are things we might not get with our new products. These legacy figures, if you recall, had to have morphs built into them to help fit them to morphed shapes of figures - and there were a lot of custom figure morphs being made, so a lot of the clothing makers included a bazillion additional morphs to help us fit the to our custom shapes.
Well when we conform these outfits to Genesis, they might fit really nicely just as they are - they might not. Yet we still have all of these extra morphs to lay with! Fun!
Further, when I Fit-To I always begin by selecting Body Suit > Loose from the compatibility dialog. It doesn't alter how the algorithm fits the item, but it does give us a "General Volume" morph slider to use. So for example, when I conform KooknFat's J-Suit for V4 to Rosie, I use that General Volume slider to shrink the outfit for massive poke-through, then run VWD and shrink wrap it. Since it's smaller that the target figure, VWD has to stretch it to fit, so the result is very similar to the actual shape of the actor. Works great for bodysuits that we want to hug the shape of the body!
In digging through all of this leagcy stuff, I'm finding myself tempted to go back in time a bit and grab up some of the excellent character presets of the day and see what I can do with them optimized for use in Carrara. I bet they'd render and animate pretty darned nice still, and are likely a lot of fun to play with!(?)!
Here are some example of the fun I had over the holidays
This one (above) is part of an animation - pretty cool having all of that motion in a single scene!
How to see the animation of the animals? Do you still have it?
I had never heard of Poserworld... I fee like I live under a rock sometimes.
They were around for a long time when I first started, then something happened to them for a while. Now they're back!
I think I have the animation around here somewhere. I'll have to see if I can get online for you ;)
Remember this guy? I got him in the Christmas Sale 2016. I remember seeing this crazy-awesome demon back when I was just starting out - but I didn't realize that he can morph into a freaking Dragon! I'll have to shoot a render of him like that!
He's a great demon beast though! Nybras!
And he's still quite useable today! He comes with a wealth of texture maps to tweak those shaders into something Cool (I mean Hot)!!!
he inspired a character in my novel. had to write him into the story
one of the things i love about gen1 is it takes the v4/m4 maps.
how fabulout it is!! then even made an aiko3 shape for it. and david3
the only real sadness there, they didnt do the aiko3 realistic head morph, nor did they do the 4 she freak shapes.
the only way i could find to use the geograft creatures was to delete the geograft info from the geograft dsf file and use it as a conforming part. if there was a way to strip out the geograft data inside the plugin, i never found it.
GenX2!!! Bring any (or All!!!) generation 3, 4, 6 or 7 shapes into generation 5 (Genesis 1)
Love it!!!
Legacy!! before uwrap and geografts.
the Age of Innocence
the Age of Reason
...and the Age of Multitudes of Morphs!!!