mcjAddRadialMorph - add radius morphs to your prop + New Important Safety ftr.

mCasualmCasual Posts: 4,605
edited February 2019 in Freebies

here ----------->

New features in February 23rd 2019's V4

Important Note : versions before V4 could make a scene un-loadable

if the morphed object was a subdivided surface at the moment of creation

of the morph. Version 4 forces the shape in its safe non-subdivided state


( hey only 1 page of forum posts and it's already ready ! )

for props with fixed-radius holes

there will be 2 modes

1 - if you select your prop plus one cylinder
then the morph will be centered and aligned on that cylinder
and only the vertices inside that cylinder will be subjected to the radius expanding morph

2 - if you supply 2 cylinders, only the vertices in the layer between the 2 cylinders
will be subjected to the radius expanding morph

there will also be a choice of 2 expansion mode

1 - the vertices are pushed away radially
2 - the vertex positions are scaled radially ( the origin being the position of the cylinder )

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  • Miss BMiss B Posts: 3,071
    edited December 1969

    Oh now this is really interesting. I don't know where you come up with these ideas, but keep them coming. :coolsmile:

  • mCasualmCasual Posts: 4,605
    edited October 2014

    note that i'll also update yesterday's mcjAddStretchMorph script

    so you can apply morphs even to objects ( and clothes ) which are not zero-posed

    and the stretch effect will be select-able as either scale or displace,

    ... maybe twist morphs ... i dont know

    well there's mcjSuperLathe, but it's harder to learn to use

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  • mCasualmCasual Posts: 4,605
    edited October 2014

    i thought the script was ready for publication, but my script was seeing the cylinders as infinite

    as you can see below, this was fixed, the yellow cylinder grabbed only the vertices inside it

    ( this started as a torus )

    ... tomorrow, i'll put another hour on it and it should be ready !

    ( and the lab gossip is that there may be a flare effect added )


    in the end it's a subset of what mcjSuperLathe can do, but hopefully less scary to use

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  • TugpsxTugpsx Posts: 737
    edited December 1969

    LOL. More great tools to play with. Thanks for sharing.

  • mCasualmCasual Posts: 4,605
    edited October 2014

    Tugpsx said:
    LOL. More great tools to play with. Thanks for sharing.

    (if i dont add features ) it's less powerful then mcjSuperLathe, but also has a less scary UI and instructions :)

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  • mCasualmCasual Posts: 4,605
    edited December 1969

    using those shapes you'll be able to quicly fix or create props

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  • mCasualmCasual Posts: 4,605
    edited October 2014

    hey, combobox with pixmaps, it's so WYSIWYG !

    ( oops i forgot to hide the secret AxAll button which helps me create the 51 little icons )

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  • mCasualmCasual Posts: 4,605
    edited October 2014

    the 51 effects which you will be able to apply to your objects !

    i may add a free-form axial effect for experts

    so one could type

    sin( t * 10 * 2 * pi )  

    and get a 10-ripples morph

    now that i think of it, maybe i could use a randomizing version of this to add wrinkles to clothing items

    ( because credible wrinkles are the holy grail of clothes modeling )


    your custom axial functions receive

    f : a number between 0 and 1 proportional to the position along the axis of the domain/field/selector cylinder
    v: the displace, scale or press vector

    so you could even modulate the resulting effect based on the orientation of the morph vector

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  • SixDsSixDs Posts: 2,384
    edited December 1969

    Oh, oh, culverts. Hmmm, anybody have a galvanized shader?

  • mCasualmCasual Posts: 4,605
    edited December 1969

    SixDs said:
    Oh, oh, culverts. Hmmm, anybody have a galvanized shader?

    and water for the culverts

  • mCasualmCasual Posts: 4,605
    edited October 2014

    writing the instruction manual has begun, yay!

    Fig 1 example: Radial effect = Scale; Axial effect = Widen

    the manual is written

    the script will be posted so very soon !


    figure 2 - turns out users who can write custom axial effects
    will have access to all of the script's globals,
    and the basics like the current vertex position

    here's f = pi + atan2( vGeo.z, vGeo.x );

    fig 3: DS 2.3 check, check

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  • mCasualmCasual Posts: 4,605
    edited December 1969

    Oh yay it's ready !

    and this image is not really really related to the script

    except for the fact that clever use of the script can allow the creation of cloth wrinkles

    which are an extremely very important feature of clothes

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  • mCasualmCasual Posts: 4,605
    edited October 2014

    - Update - Update - Update - Update - Update - Update - Update - Update -

    there was a bug affecting the cases where 2-cylinders ( inclusion and exclusion ) are used, for the 'Displace' effect
    ( because 1 time i referred to vpush as vPush )

    and an unrelated old archive pic to de-boringify the post ... lets see ....

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  • mCasualmCasual Posts: 4,605
    edited September 2015

    in the excruciatingly near future ! two new functions will be added to mcjAddRadial Morph

    there's the "Remove from Morph" button, not shown here, which removes the selected vertices from the  named morph

    and there's the "Append To Morph" button which is all explained in the image below 

    i just have to add those buttons to the DS1/DS2 version, then i will post it on the release page , and announce it here


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  • mCasualmCasual Posts: 4,605
    edited September 2015


    if you have trouble downloading from my google attachments, here's a direct link to the zip file

    New in version 3

    If your target object does have a morph named, for example "Stretch" and the current specified morph name is "Stretch"

    then using the "Append To Morph" button will add the selected vertices movements to that existing morph


    If your target object does have a morph named, for example "Stretch" and the current specified morph name is "Stretch"

    then using the "Remove From Morph" button will remove the selected vertices from the existing morph

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  • mCasualmCasual Posts: 4,605
    edited February 2019

    Get the new Updated Upgraded And Safer mcjAddRadialMorph V4 for Daz Studio Today ! 

    New features in February 23rd 2019's V4

    Important Note : versions before V4 could make a scene un-loadable

    if the morphed object was a subdivided surface at the moment of creation

    of the morph. Version 4 forces the shape in its safe non-subdivided state



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    Post edited by Chohole on
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