Can not see the PC Forum and can not post Image to new Gallery.

PetraPetra Posts: 1,156

I managed to post an image to my Album but now I can not submit any more Images.

I have deleted the root Gallerie as I only wanted my own album in there.

Is that maybe the cause.

When I click on submit Images I get the * Ooops .... * page.

I attached a screenshot.

Also, I can not see the PC Forum, but I am a PC Member.

Can not submit images.JPG
2372 x 931 - 139K


  • Please file a ticket, in the meantime I'll flag internally..

  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,839

    Your forum profile doesn't list you as PC member. There are other members with the same problem apparently.

  • Since this is a duplicate, I'm going to close it..

    Please also check the gallery sticky post for information regarding the gallery issues (which I think is seperate to the PC forum access one)


This discussion has been closed.