The 48x2 Animation Project (Online)

"Are you an animator or always wanted to try animating. The 48 Hour Film Project has a competition specifically for you. You will have 4 days (from April 14 - 18, 2021) to create an animated short film. All types of animation are acceptable (including live action composited with animation).
2D and 3D
Stop Motion
Just like the regular 48HFP, you will receive your assignment (electronically): a genre, a character, a prop and a line of dialogue. Your team will have 4 days to create a 2 - 5 minute animated film.
Out of utmost caution during these difficult pandemic times, your team is limited to those people you live with and/or anyone you partner with remotely. Health and safety is paramount."
The regular (mostly live action) 48 Hour Film contest requires a 4 to 7 minute animation in two days, so this is more doable, 2-5 minute animation in four days. Early entry is $70 thru 22Mar.
Here is our entry from last year, "Circus Day":
More contest info here, including films from previous years:
I see this not so much as a chance to win, but just a way to goad myself into doing an animation ...