OT - [Uh-oh], next year is the year of Soylent Green
Quote, "Tuesday is Soylent Green day." A lot of people think with the pandemic the year 2020 was hell. People in the central Uunited States believe 2021 was the year hell froze over. But next year is the year of Soylent Green. At least, according to this chart of science fiction movies.
Title edited for profanity

scifi movie years.jpg
464 x 550 - 102K
Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
Soylent Green. Made from the best stuff on Earth:
Like all good movies, when you boil everything down, Soylent Green is really just about people.
Yeah, but 12 Monkeys came early, so IDK.
demolition man, that the one all restaurants are taco bell?
That list is woefully out of calibration. We've already reached "Idiocracy".
In honor of the scifi movie list, I have decided to offer $10 GCs for a 1st and a 2nd place render of the theme Dystopian SciFi.
See https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/475831/a-li-l-side-render-fun-2022-tuesday-is-soylent-green-day-edition#latest
You will have to use Carrara as one part of your workflow.
Quote "and movies had stories, so you knew whose a$s it was, and why it was farting..."
Loved Idiocracy.
WHAT??!! I missed Robocop in 2015!!!??? Man, he sure would have been useful with the riots in Portland this past year, LOL
It's already a product...
Okay, I may have Photoshopped the part about "Human-Kale" flavor, but the company's name is Soylent and they do have a green labeled flavor which I'm assuming probably has some level of human content... maybe just fingers or whatever leftovers the cats don't eat from the operating rooms.
now i ready to watch some 5th element.
Well, a bunch of celebrities apparently donated tissue samples, which were used to grow meat and make salami. So, we're getting there, I guess. No thanks.
...the ones that eat their afterbirth gross me out, especially when it could be used for cord blood to help other babies and children with medical problems and cancer.
We never left.
I wonder what they eat, after they find out the truth about Soylent Green... O_O (I've not seen the movie)
I'm obsessed with Event Horizon. It's a shame that there will never be a Director's Cut (the footage was lost/destroyed, apparently).
I, personally, look forward to the age of Zardoz... though I barely remember what the movie was about. I do remember it had Sean Connery in a thong-type swimsuit...thing. Have the Daz content creators made that character bundle yet?
Not to mention Capitol Hill.
The way things have been going lately something feels like the world skipped all the above and went right to idiocracy
Wait, how did i get into the daz forums?
WAIT?! The daz forums actually work???
after Shrove Tuesday I will be drinking the Lent soy milk, almond and maybe oat.
No cow.
Hopefully no hoominz,
I am giving up humans till Easter
...Fifth Element begat my character Leela.
Many years ago I was working on character for a new cyber RPG campaign and wanted someone who played with explosives. Originally was going to base her on Ace from Dr. Who (she was sort of "cyber punkish") then took a break as Fifth Element was coming on (still had a television back then). After it was over, I looked at my notes crumple them up and determined Leeloo was going to be the base for the character's personality as I liked the fact she was sort of childlike, yet extremely powerful and dangerous.
...and her giggle was perfect.
That next weekend, when I introduced her in the first game session. The group was asked by the person hiring us for a job "so what's with the kid, I don't hire kids." She looked at him with a bit of disdain and replied "I'm not a kid," (she was 17). He retorted, "Could have fooled me, so what do you do?". She answered "I make Beeeg Bada Boom!". When he scoffed at her mumbling something about Matrix gamers (the Matrix is the Net in the game world), she replied "I fought in Balkan war, was with resistance, blew up bridges , buildings, communications." He rolled his eyes and said in a somewhat condescending tone "Really, kiddo you expect me to believe that?." Undaunted she responded "Yeah really, want to see?" She then pulled out of a jacket pocket a 1 Kilo brick of C12 (a concentrated and very powerful plastic explosive in the game) with a detonator wired to it, As she looked him in the eye the LED on it went from green to amber and began flashing causing his two guards to unholster their sidearms . She shook her head warning "bad idea, wouldn't do that, I go, we all go, you know, beeeeg bada boom right here, " then smiled very confidently (her compatriots also backed off a bit, rather nervously, as well, one eyeing at the door behind them). He thought for a few moments, sighed then motioned his guards to holster their weapons and held up his hands looking a bit more nervous than before, "OK um miss, ah..." "Leela," she interrupted , "OK, Leela, I get your point, no need for anything rash now." he said. She replied "Good " then added as she motioned to the others behind her," so I go on job too yes?," to which he nodded. She smiled again,the LED went back to green and she put the brick back in her pocket saying, "I do good work, worth every Kuna*, you'll see."
Yeah, that was where the darling littlle Leela I've been posting pics of here got her start. So cute, so sweet, so gifted, and oh so dangerous...
...with that same signature giggle.
*Kuna is a unit of currency in Croatia.
...agree 100%.
we just watched 5th element again two weeks ago, I love that movie
Had to read that twice. At first I read that as soy milk, almont and maybe cat.
I'm giving up Quorn, and switching to humans.
We're behind schedule for Children of Men, but everyone's not jabbed yet.
I'm thinking Minority Report is not that far off into the future, just think of the lives we would save catching criminals before they act. Of course it would balloon the population far beyond what it currently is, which would probably inspire those who want to invent soylent green. If that don't work, there's alway one virus after another happening and we get Sylveter Stallone and Wesley Snipes for entertainment, while singing popular commercial jingles and having sex through head gear. Unless that boils down into turning entire cities into prisons and Snake Plissken has to rescue some politican with a too big ego and too fat wallet from a bunch of crazed prisoners who want to escape New York.
Shall I continue or would someone like to take over from here...lol
...well robots are becoming more and more sophisticated so Robby probably isn't as far off as some may think.
Hmmmm.... wasn't really aware that Total Recall was set in 2084. On an interesting, semi-related note, there was a TV show that took elements from Total Recall and elements from Bladerunner and elements from a bunch of other Philp K Dick stuff and mashed them all together into a detective show called Total Recal 2070, which was set in... well... 2070. Lasted one season, ended on a cliffhanger...
Another scifi cliffhanger dead-in-the-water series that I actually watched because of the evolving plot, was that one about a large group of people sent back in time to colonize the dinosaur era. (*my ancient brain refuses to recall the name of the series
*) Battling and outwitting dinosaurs was interesting but I was hoping to find out what that mysterious writing found on the rock walls was about. But no... 'twill never be.
Fit that show into your SciFi timetable. It'll have two slots.