Content Library Icons
I've just noticed something which I hadn't noiced before which might be of interest to others. Ishould say that I don't use Smart Content so this might or might not apply if you do.
I noticed that there are some products that have an icon visible in the Content Library panel but when you hover over that icon a differnt icon is shown. Turns out that the item has two associated PNG icons one with the extension ".duf.png" and the other ".tip.png". I am thinking that I might use this feature in future when I save my scenes or scene subsets, etc. I normally delete the automatically created 91x91 pixel icon and replace it with a rendered image at a much larger scale so that when I hover over the icon it shows the larger image. However, I could use the additional ".tip.png" as the mouse-over image instead.
I do that with a script I've written for exactly that purpose. It's not polished but it works. I like to have large tooltips that let me see details.
Basically, you select any item in the library, start the script, then it takes whatever is rendered in the preview window, gives you a preview, and then creates a thumbnail and/or a large tooltip.
If you're interested, here's the script and a quick howto:
(if you don't like the size, the script starts with 7 values that you can customize)
P.S. I got the idea from butaixianran. He/she published a script somewhere on the forum that does a simililar thing but works differently (that script renders the tooltip, instead of copying the preview; both scripts have their pros and cons, my goal was to do it *fast*)
Super Save can do that, and a whole lot more, if you really want to take control of your scenes and created items.
Thanks for the extra information. I'm not super concerned about my icons but it is nice to know that others have gone further than I have with creating viewable previews of Library content.
@cajhin - I will check out your script later, thanks.