Disappearing fonts. . .

I've asked this before but can't find the answer on the old forum. I'm on the Mac and when I load C7 there are no fonts visible. I understand that C7 is calling for a font that is no longer shipped from Apple after OS 10.5 and that the fix is to go to the pref file and pick a font that is visible. The problem is I don't remember how to do this, Can somebody help? Obviously I can't do this through C7 since there are no visible fonts.
Apple changed the system fonts before C7.
This is from memory, so tread carefully. What I remember doing is searching in my Library folders for /Preferences/DAZ 3D/Carrara 7, which contains a Preferences.txt. Copy it to be safe.
Open it TextEdit, find the lines:
intf {
FONT "Arial"
And change whatever's listed between the quotation marks to something you have on your system. Save the file (text only).
I followed your instructions and found the text file but could not find the text in question.
Then I don't know how to help you. That's what the fix was for me. Realize it will say something other than "Arial" - look for the FONT line - and if you search, be sure you search for uppercase FONT and not font. Copied straight out my preferences file:
intf {
FONT "Arial"
The same lines are in my old Carrara 6 preferences, too, with the FONT set to ""... which is what wouldn't work, I don't think.
Now that you mention it I seem to remember going through this before and having to swap out the pref file from an older C7 (standard) since there is absolutely no mention of the sequence you show in my C7Pro file. Could you e-mail a copy of your text file to me?
I'd appreciate it as I don't think I still have the old version.
Nevermind I found it!!