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This is a cube primitive with subD to round the corners. Thed edges of the cube makes the etxture gt squashed so would probably want to make that a separate material zone.
I can try and whip up something in Blender later today (this afternoon/evening)
@nath That would be awesome! The quad 12 object in that sharecg link is the perfect curvature for the corners, it needs UV mapping.You wouldn't have to reinvent the wheel so to speak.
I looked at a quick UV mapping tutorial and decided to just try photoshop. I placed a plane over the object (bathmat) with my pattern on it, lined them up, hid the bathmat and rendered the pattern plane. Then hid THAT and rendered the white bathmat. In Photoshop, the bathmat was the top layer and I simply erased it out. Pain in the hiney.
I'm currently rendering slippers to put on the patterned bathmat. Will show ya'll when I get done. Happy birthday to me today, turning 66 and just putzing around with Daz and just chillin' with a severe thunderstorm coming quickly. If you don't hear from me, internet may get knocked out. I bought Mom a huge bouquet of flowers and in a couple hours am heading over to see her. She's 94 and I'm going to tell her the best birthday present is being with her. And it really is. She's so funny! I'll tell you a story in a little while that will have you all chuckling, involving my hubby and something my son did. Gotta get off the computer it's lightning REALLY close.
Is there anything you can't do, dude?
BTW, I did get a towel to drape pretty well, so all's good there.
Happy Birthday Novica! hope you have an awesome day. Say hi to your mom.
Oh good for the towel draping.
Happy Birthday, Novica!
Hey, many happy returns! Best wishes to your Mom too.
Happy birthday
I didn't think to see if those objects were UV mapped been a long time since I used or looked at spacebones models He/she has a lot of stuff there with some of it for Poser
Here's a quick bath mat, UV-mapped and all. Enjoy!
You were a HUGE help Robert! There are several curved cubes and one, when flattened, had the perfect curve. Here's what I have so far. Am rendering slippers to put on there. I made sure there were uneven rays of light across it. Masked the bathmat and adjusted the color of it, then reverse masked and put a bit more shadow around the front edge, then changed the color of the tile (it was too red)
Whoa, you're fast!!! Am rendering it now.
Looks good. My grandma had one with a similar pattern. That belive or not she bought off of a peddler that visted the farms there in Oklahoma circa late fifties aerly sixties
@nath You should put it in the Freebies thread- or make a product and sell it. From what I searched, there are NO rounded edged bath rugs.
I'll put it in the freebies - let people enjoy it!
Or door mats or just plain rugs
Here's the quickie render with a fast color adjustment (didn't mask, so the floor got hue-d too) The top white one is the previous object from Robert's source that I showed previously.
Thanks again @Nath!
Happy belated birthday to @RGcincy who had a birthday last week! And thank you @spuffy and @melanieL that means alot. I acutally haven't headed out yet to see Mom as still storming. I have my laptop unplugged due to lightning strikes so close.
Looks great!
(I'm having way too much fun in Blender :-) )
@nath Sending you a PM Will be a minute :)
Happy Birthday Novica
Happy Birthday Novica!
Happy Birthday Novica!
Happy Birthday Novica and everyone else!
Happy birthday Novica (and anyone who has their birthday today)
Happy Birthday Novica. I hope you and your mom have many more happy years together.
Thanks all! Hope everyone have been enjoying the flash sales, happy to see the one yesterday ran for quite awhile. I like to see it balanced so folks across the pond can also enjoy flash sales.
Belated happy birthday, Novica!
I bought this tube top over at Renderosity today, because I liked the crochet-like cutouts. I wanted to use the top under suit jackets. To do so, I used Mesh Grabber to push poke through parts at the lower abdomen in behind the jacket. It worked great.
It sure did! Can I ask what pants those are? The crotch looks good.