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Here's some M's and N's.
Makasha and Nasha. I did them together as I wasn't sure it's worth getting both, they seemed super similar to me.
Malka Scuba Suit
Minha 2
Moshi (CAT) and VYK Marilyn. Love this one! :)
MR Mindy (in Dress)
MR Mindy (Portrait)
Myleen closeup
Norah hand on hip
Here's some
Pablo 8.1 front
Pablo 8.1 Side
Paris closer
Philadelphia (experimenting w special effects w hair IIRC)
Philadelphia Side
RY Elysa
RY Elysa red dress
Shiina closeup
VYK Baylee
VYK Baylee Side view
VYK Gnome (bump increased)
Zak Side
Zhi another dress
Hope this helped :)
Judy Love was by Rarestone, so is no longer in the store.
Ahh, makes sense. How do we find out who the Rarestone characters were? I've never been able to figure that out as you can't search by vendor if they aren't there.
Want to see if your water has PFAS? Here's a map of some of some of the tested sites. I have a Zero Water pitcher and love it. I got curious about the latest with the PFAS.
There was a Tiny House that would have met you needs exactly by a PA Mirage sold in 2017, but when I checked for the links it is no longer in the store. SKU 49033 and 49147. It actually looked like one of the tiny homes you see on TV.
This is Minami. She comes with the hair in this image. You can get her and her hair "free" today with minimum required purchase.

Be careful, though. I set her mesh resolution to 4 and she exploded into a million triangles, kind of like a dForce explosion. I set mesh resolution back to 3 and she was fine. I don't remember ever seeing a character explode like that before.
Someone has been tracking what's available and where in this thread:
Some things have come back as Daz Originals, some things have come back at other stores under their new Ravenstone identity. You actually can do a search here under "rarestone" and get a number of results for the buyouts, but of course that's not going to give you results for the stuff that's no longer here. (And the results you get may be confusing. A couple of the morph sets only have "Daz Originals" as the PA, even though the main promo says "Rarestone Face Morphs". A couple things don't say anything that would lead you to understand why they're in the results, either on text or promos, but if you drill into the readme, the file list says "rarestone" in the paths. And for some reason, the search pulls in a merchant resource by Vyusur, and a morph set by Zev0 and Dogz,)
I have 17 of RareStone's characters and thankfully keep a chart of all my characters, with their PAs noted. Here is the list I have of RareStone. I am not listing the one that is exclusive to Renderosity, but you can check out her store under her new name.
Difa Character and dForce Difa Outfit for Genesis 8 Female(s) - Panda RareStone
Gou Luk Bundle - Nirvana RareStone
Grace Yong and Grace Yong Hair for Genesis 8 Female(s) - RareStone Sprite
HD Fredda and Fredda Hair for Genesis 8 Female - Nirvana RareStone
HD Kayla Remake and Kayla Hair for Genesis 8 Female - Nirvana RareStone
RN HD Alisa and Alisa Hair for Genesis 8 Female - Nirvana RareStone
RN HD Judy Love 8.1 and Judy Hair for Genesis 8 Females - Nirvana RareStone
RN HD Minto Elder and Minto Cute Poses - RareStone
Edit to add RareStone's lovely Halter Tops for Genesis 3 Females and School Sports Outfits for G3F both now under Daz Originals.
Now that I think about it, there is probably more clothing running amok in my runtime from her that I can't recall. If anyone else can, please add.
There is also this thread but I will say it hasn't been posted to in awhile. Its straight shots of G8F characters under the same lighting.
I have been compiling a list of all products, including the original artists at release date. We can see that the information changes with time (intentionally or not), so it can be quite revealing after the fact. Artists leave or change their name; sometimes the product stays, sometimes it doesn't.
Other Rarestone contributions and collaborations still available that were not mentioned above. The name is often scrubbed from all references, but just as often is still in file lists on the ReadMe pages as Rarestone, RS, RN (for Rare&Nirv), and maybe others.
All Sweet Fashion Poses for Genesis 8 Female
Anime Bun Hair for Genesis 8 Female(s)
Sweater Shaders Merchant Resources
Japanese Anime Poses for Sakura 8 and Genesis 8 Female(s)
dForce Kitty Sweater for Genesis 8 Female(s)
dForce Bunny Outfit for Sakura 8
Fairy Outfit for Karyssa 8 and Genesis 8 Female(s)
All Sweet Fashion Poses Series 2 for Genesis 8 Female
Rare n Nirv Shoes Collection for Genesis 8 Female(s)
Rare n Nirv Shoes Collection 2 for Genesis 8 Female(s)
Face Morph Collection for The Girl 8
All Sweet Fashion Poses III for Genesis 8
FE Modern Bathroom GreyRoom
FE Modern Study
FE JK Hemmed Blazer 01 for Genesis 8 Female(s)
FE Short Hair Vol 2 for Genesis 8
All Sweet Poses 4th Youth Collection
FE Long Hair Vol 01 for Genesis 8 Female
Others no longer available as DAZ:
67637 FE Decoration Background Vol 1
68593 FE Decoration Background Vol 2
68931 FE Chinese Tea Restaurant
69023 FE Decoration Background Vol 3
69707 FE Sauna Room
69915 FE Girl's Bedroom
70645 FE Bedroom
70651 FE Sofa Tea Table Combination Props
72979 dForce RN Kids Outfits and Poses for Genesis 8 Female(s)
79951 Rare n Nirv Shoes Collections the 3rd
82033 RS Genesis 8.1 Female Skin Merchant Resources Vol 01
Thanks Mary...I'll have to keep looking. It's sad it's no longer available.
Thanks for showing her, your lightng is lovely (as usual!)
Thanks folks! I will post links to those posts after I get some sleep so will be later today. I'll put it in the References under Rarestone Characters & Products.
I've had quite the day- my grocery delivery got messed up (I'm trying Walmart+) and I had only gotten two and a half hours of sleep when thunderstomrs rolled in, but I had to get up and get the food. Then I was on with customer service for 45 minutes (with a gal who didn't speak good English and was slow as molasses) So I was keyed up and of course couldn't go get any sleep.
THEN my husband called, he and my son are stuck in another state because their flight got cancelled (not theirs, the connection in Dallas. Man, they had storms today!) So they were stuck in Tulsa, OK all day yesterday and today, and can't fly out until tomorrow.
So I haven't been online to the forums today. Appreciate all the hard work in posting those links, we'll make sure they get a permanent reference link.
@NorthOf45 I forgot about those and I have most of them. My brain is not working very good right now and everything just hurts.
@Novica, I am sorry about your order and the delays your family experienced. It seems life kicks you one way or the other sometimes. I recommend cat videos. Seriously. A laugh helps. Well, the stitches don't like it, but the heart and soul do.
Sorry for your trouble.
Dallas always has lots of trouble with thunderstorms causing delays at Love & DFW airports. I can remember once I was supposed to be flying from DFW to DCA and by their by 9:00 EST for a 7:00AM meeting but I (we on the plane) kept being held grounded by thunderstorms alnight & morning long. I finally got to DCA at 3:00 AM in the morning and nothing was running to get to my hotel room and I was flat exhausted. Lucky DCA was close enough to walk everywhere, well the walks were long but doable, so I just walked to my hotel room, dropped off my luggage, and then walked to the meeting location, got there at 6:00 AM and waited for an hour. LOL, I think they had to wake me up when they arrived!
Much more scary was when thunderstorms and tornados forced the plane I was in to have to circle LEX for over 2 hours overhead. The plane was shaking, the noise horrible, but they just kept us in the sky going in circles on and one. It was after 11PM we were started circling in that small prop plane & it was exhausting. Kids were screaming and crying. Mom's surpressed their cries so they wouldn't further frighten their kids. When we finally did land thunder and lightning actually struck the airport and caused a bunch of reservation terminal computers to explode and burn out in sparks and puffs of smoke. Lights went out for about 30 minute or longer until they got emergency generators working. Scary as heck. A few years later the son of the owner of a acquaintance that owned a couple of skating rinks I went to as a kid died in a plane crash as LEX in very similar circumstances. I've been sort of scared of those smaller planes to are used to hop to these smaller cities since then!
No matter how many times I do it (and I've checked the link) the link to memcneil70s post will NOT go to that post. Northof45's works fine. I put it under Tips/FYI for Rarestone. I will try again later. Very frustrating. See if it works for you? It is on the first page under tips alphabetically (R) , you can spot it quickly as it has New Sept 2 in red letters.
The link shows ".../new-novica-forum-members-tips-product-reviews-pt-14#latest". To get the proper reference, right-click on the date of the post, and Copy Link. Paste that into the URL for the link. It should look like this: "" (i.e., Link 1).
I know- and no matter how many times I do it, it won't replace it, even with a hard refresh/exit and come back in.
Okay, I think I know what's wrong. There is a second link in there; the open parenthesis and the space immediately before it has the proper link. Just delete it all and replace it.
@pendraia There's Forest Tiny House which is just the interior, I'm wondering if some of the other homes have the ladder leading to a loft? Seems like there was one. I typed in house in my Product Library but can't really tell too much about the setups. Maybe you could use the interior of Forest Tiny House with another house?
@NorthOf45 Thanks, that worked.
Tim, thought I'd check in and see how your baby girl is doing? Not a baby anymore LOL, she was born in March (that's when you posted, I assume March/ end of February.) Anyway, I want photos :)
I also want to mention you came to mind because I saw your STUNNING bathroom over at the other store and the first thought was, "With four kids, how in heavens name does he have time to do that?!!!!!"
There's a bunny in one of Hameleon's store Rendo's promos (with a gal sitting on a couch, hugging him, it's actually quite cute) and I thought, "I'd like to have that rabbit." Well, the vendor posted a link and to my surprise, it's a freebie. It looks cute IMO when rendered, the image shown looks harsh. The ears do remain a bit stiff but overall if you are doing a scene with toys, he'd be a fun addition.
Hey this is so cool! A weather map with lightning flashes. Type in your location. LOL my jaw dropped when the first one started flashing because it took me by surprise LOL. Edit- after watching it, it must just be major strikes or something. That huge glob in Louisiana MUST have some lightning in it, but there's hardly ever a flash. However I checked on two other sites and they didn't show lightning either.
Then play with all the things you can see over to the right. The ozone layer was an eye opener.
Have you looked at this one? The farther away the station picking up the strike is the higher in the atmosphere the strike was.
Didn't know Windy now has live lightning as well, cool. I usually use
Yeah, that's the one which came up when I googled lighting maps, to check why that big Louisiana blob didn't have any lightning. It was weird a huge area of dark green and light green had zero lightning in it, until I thought about all the days we've had rain without a peep of thunder. Pensacola is getting these intense, but small cells of purple and red pop up, while the neighborhoods half a mile down the road are getting ziltch. Seecms to be happening more often.
But no hurricanes yet in the Gulf of Mexico, so happy dance. They're saying the season will be more back loaded and November should still be active. I worry more about Stetson (the barn, out on a peninsula) than I do my brick house (more inland.)
@fishtales That's neat too! Wow, active today. This map reminds me, wonder where are the sharks are? Ah, here it is.
The Weather Radar map sounds like a bug zapper, a little bzzt for every flash.