Content Wizard (RiverSoftArt) Question

I bought this utility today, and I think it's exactly what I've been looking for to take all my 3rd party content and put it into Smart Content.  Really easy to use and full of great features.

The only head-scratcher I've run into is that I don't seem to be able to use "Filter By Context" with the content, so that I can quickly identify what items go with a Gen 8 female, for instance.  I've read through the .PDF, but I can't work this one out.  If someone is familiar with this utility, can they tell me if there is some simple step I'm missing, or if Content Wizard simply doesn't take "Filter By Context" into account, please?  Thanks very much!



  • First of all you may look in the commercial section. There you will find a quite long thread just on content wizard. Should answer a lot of questions.

    Then regarding the "filter by context" option you might need to alter the table after doing the analyse step. There you'll find the references for base products which defines what figures, items etc. a certain clothing, texture, pose etc. is meant for. Content wizard might not be able to find the proper base by itself so you could specify there. Or you install and edit the metadata later. But if you would do so you would have to manually update the newly metadata file in the installer if created before.

    I use content wizard for all 3rd party content but actually don't bother with the base product definition. I usually have the filter by context checkbox not ticked as I usually have the base info in the product name (like xyz for G8F) which does usually help me find the right product quickly anyhow.

  • Excellent response. Thanks very much!

  • SevrinSevrin Posts: 6,310

    Yeah, using Content Wizard allows you to label products whichever way seems most sensible to you.  You can add characters to identify the vendor, stuff like G8F if it's for that figure, G3G8F if it fits both, etc.

  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,019
  • Thanks for the responses.  I think I might have licked it (eeww) by tinkering around with both Categories and Compatibilities.

    I should reiterate, even with any little bumps brought about by my own inexperience, this is a wonderful bit of scripting, and it makes me happy.  Thank you, RiverSoftArt.  =)

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