Offering my first Freebie to you ^_^

eponicaeponica Posts: 197
edited October 2014 in Freebies

Hello all, it's raining out here in the PNW so I kind of went crazy with Hexagon yesterday ^_^ I am making a series of small farm props which I haven't been able to find as freebies. The first one is a Milk Stand. I was not at all sure how to package it for upload, so I spent much of today scouring the forums, in particular the Llolalane packaging thread. I Think my zip is usable now, but I don't have a second computer running DS so I can't double check myself...

I have uploaded the file Milk to Sharecg at (old link removed)

Hopefully there will be someone willing to DL it so they can tell me if I packaged it right or not :D

A Collada file will probably follow as soon as I make sure the DS zip package is OK ^_^

EDIT: The finished link is here.

Thank you, everyone who helped me to get this right :)

800 x 400 - 54K
Post edited by eponica on


  • edited October 2014

    Hi there. Thanks for the offering. This is definitely something we do NOT see on a regular basis as far as farming goes, so it's greatly appreciated.

    As far as your zip file integrity. The model itself loads. However, it looks like you forgot to drop the texture into your Textures folder inside of the zip. The textures folder included in the zip file is empty. Also, you will need to re-save your item with the correct texture path.

    Currently, it gives this error :
    Could not find file : F:\Users\Public\Documents\TAME\Wood Boards Horizontal.png

    To fix :

    1.) Move the .png file into Textures\Eponica\
    2.) Load your object into your scene (you may get a 'could not find file' error since you have moved the texture file by this point).
    3.) Go to Surfaces tab. Re-load all diffuse maps, selecting the texture from it's new home in Textures\Eponica\
    4.) Re-save object to it's props folder.
    5.) Replace the Props files in your zip (make sure you delete the old ones).
    6.) *ADD* your Wood Boards Horizontal texture to the Runtime/Textures/Eponica folder.

    That should fix the texture errors, I think.

    Post edited by Seliah (Childe of Fyre) on
  • eponicaeponica Posts: 197
    edited December 1969

    Thank you very much ^_^ I will pull the original from ShareCG and re-upload it tomorrow.

    I appreciate your help!

  • edited October 2014

    My apologies - you will have to do what I mentioned above with ALL of your texture files, as they are ALL calling from the F:/Users/..... location. I had clicked on 'skip' when it asked me for the first texture; just realized now that it uses several texture maps. Just put them ALL in your texture folder then re-save the object with them from the proper location, and it should fix that error.

    Looking forward to the update. =)

    Post edited by Seliah (Childe of Fyre) on
  • eponicaeponica Posts: 197
    edited December 1969

    Thank you so much again! I will work on this tomorrow! I hope to be able to make more farming props for everyone ^_^

  • launoklaunok Posts: 793
    edited October 2014

    What a nice stand, will look out for it when it's up again! And for a first freebie, well done indeed! :-)

    Post edited by launok on
  • DorseylandDorseyland Posts: 724
    edited October 2014

    Well, I'm no city slicker but I ain't no country cousin, either. So, uh, what the hell is it?

    I mean, the cow's not going to fit into that little box, obviously, but surely the cow would object to standing up on the platform too. Does the Readme come with diagrams?

    Kidding aside (though I'm not kidding), your talent looks very promising, eponica, and I look forward to see what else you come up with.

    Post edited by Dorseyland on
  • eponicaeponica Posts: 197
    edited December 1969

    Thank you very much, Launok and Dorsey ^_^

    Dorseyland, this is a goat milking stand. Goats like to climb on things so they don't mind getting on the stand to be milked. The box in front is a feeder. Grain is put in it, and the goat will hop right up there to get the grain ^_^

    I just woke up ^^ It will be a few hours before I repackage the files :)

  • DorseylandDorseyland Posts: 724
    edited December 1969

    Mmmmmmm, goat milk. You're probably having it on your breakfast cereal right now!

    Well, goats know all about "kidding", and I still am.

    Thanks, eponica!

  • eponicaeponica Posts: 197
    edited October 2014

    Actually I just did it over breakfast ! :D

    At least I Think I did it. It's at (EDIT: old link removed)

    Please let me know if I got it right this time ^_^

    I notice I drove a couple of the stanchion nails a little deep, but I was reluctant to put this back in Hexagon and pull 'em out as I thought it might mess up my (very cursory) UV's.

    I have several more questions about how to package these freebies, so I might as well ask 'em now:

    1. I guess I can't do a package for Poser because I don't use Poser??

    2. How come my textures are not showing up when I try to export this as an .obj?

    [edited for just too many questions :D ]

    Thanks everyone for your help and encouragement! :)

    Post edited by eponica on
  • ElowanElowan Posts: 388
    edited December 1969

    Thnx and carry on!

  • eponicaeponica Posts: 197
    edited October 2014

    You're welcome! So the zip file is working OK then? ^_^

    Post edited by eponica on
  • edited December 1969

    It looks like you are ALMOST there with it. =)

    Textures loaded fine for zones exceot the nails, without issue.

    The nails material zone is still trying to call a texture from the F:/Users/.... folder. It is looking for the wooden boards texture, and a 'grey boards' texture.

    You *DO* have the wooden boards texture in your texture folder - so this is good. I also was able to locate the 'white metal' texture map to apply manually to the nails. It looks like it is ONLY the 'nails' material zone that did not get assigned it's texture from the new location before the prop was saved to the library.

    As far as making Poser files. Poser files really should be made inside of Poser, as the two programs handle textures differently. Example : If I load a Poser mat on an object inside of Studio, it defaults the specularity to 100% and white, which makes the objects way too shiny for Studio renders. As far as I know, Poser procedural materials do not work inside of Studio. Studio shaders do not work inside of Poser.

    So, if you are wanting to make a Poser version of this, you would really need to do it from inside of Poser, to be on the safe side. I'm sure some of the tech gurus around here could probably come up with a way to do it 'from' Studio, but it really is best to make Poser files inside of Poser.

  • eponicaeponica Posts: 197
    edited December 1969

    Thank you so much for all your help! I will redo the packaging again ^_^ It's good I am having to repeat the process, as I will learn it better :D I am a little curious as to why it did that with the nails, as I was careful to assign everything from the correct folder the second time around ^_^

    Thanks for the advice about Poser. I have the feeling there probably Will be a Poser version available soon... :D

  • eponicaeponica Posts: 197
    edited October 2014

    OK Seliah, I have a new version up at (EDIT-- Old link removed)
    This process is very interesting to me. I never thought I would have so much fun with 3d modeling ^_^

    Post edited by eponica on
  • eponicaeponica Posts: 197
    edited December 1969

    ... And Yet a Newer version, at

    This is getting comical ^_^ I promise to edit my first post here soon to include the Final link :D

  • edited October 2014

    All looks great, and loads fine, no more errors at all! Thank you again for this. =)

    Do not worry about the oopsies. You should have seen the circus *MY* first freebie turned into with chasing down all the first-time goof ups! LOL

    Post edited by Seliah (Childe of Fyre) on
  • eponicaeponica Posts: 197
    edited December 1969

    Wonderful!! I am so happy ^_^

    Thank you a thousand times!! :D

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