Maybe A Little Camera Motion Would Add Some Dynamics?


  • Steve KSteve K Posts: 3,272

    Mystiarra said:

    this looked interesting

    Not sure I understand it, but I'll give it a try.

  • Sci Fi FunkSci Fi Funk Posts: 1,198
    edited March 2021

    @Steve K Drone footage as a whole - absolutely! That example made me feel motion sick. ha ha. 

    @Mystiarra Thanks for sharing. Is it a camera that fits in the eyes, and is used to mimic walking around first person? If so I'd be interested in trying it - I've put cameras in eyes and walked around with an invisible object in the distance as a 'point to' many a time - that works quite well. You just adjust the position of the invisible object closer for a more bouncy look or futher for calmer footage.


    Post edited by Sci Fi Funk on
  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    a dragon's eye view  

  • Steve KSteve K Posts: 3,272

    Sci Fi Funk said:

    @Steve K Drone footage as a whole - absolutely! That example made me feel motion sick. ha ha. 

    Yup.  Obviously, they had that in mind and went way over the top ... brilliantly.  But drone footage can be subtle.  There was an outstanding entry in the Houston 48HFP a couple of years ago that used just a few seconds of drone footage to set the Texas Piney Woods country scene, and for the dreaded "Western" genre to boot.  At the screenings, I had to find the director (team leader) and congratulate him.  He said, "Thanks". 

  • Sci Fi FunkSci Fi Funk Posts: 1,198

    @Mystiarra or a cat! (Where's Wendy?) - I've seen some footage like that on youtube. Fascinating.

    @Steve K - no wonder it took a few takes - must have had some accidents along the way. I do notice drone footage in mainstream films now, pans, overhead shots, even some indoor shots. Also they can be used for 3d model capture. e.g. "3DF Zephyr".

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