How do I make videos with my webcam to recreate in DS?
Sfariah D
Posts: 26,504
I have a nice webcam but I only know how to use it with Skype. if it came with a disk that has software it is currently MIA.
I would like to use my webcam to record videos specially ones of my facial expressions so I can make Genesis look more realistic in renders and animation. I do have Photoshop CS6 but that is currently not installed but will be soon.I rather use open source or free software that does not have too many hoops to go through.
Hi there,
I'm only making a stab at a suggestion.
Do you have any screen-capture software? I use Movavi, a version of which came free a good while back with one of the computer magazines. It allows me to capture my ordinary computer actions or even record the screen while videos are showing.
There are surely better-known programs, though. The ones used for tutorial creation - I don't know any names, unfortunately.
I do not have any screen capture software at the moment. I was trying to find something that I can use to capture my webcam
Sorry I can't help further. I bought a webcam way back but don't recall it having any such software.
Digital cameras, tablets and mobile phones (many of them) record video but I guess these aren't available to you given your request.
the free IPI recorder will do it too
My digital camera is broken. My phone is so stupid it has no camera. My tablet has a camera but only one camera but I forgot about that. It only can do selfies. I also want something to record Stephane swimming or doing something Betta like but I could not do that with my tablet as that is not a selfie and my tablet can only do selfies.
or if you prefer Steam
I have downloaded and looking into it
heres how
open capture mode
make sure webcam on
find your device
save a file to capture to
start capture
you might like Facerig
it works well on skype and you get about 10 or so 3D characters
recording a PITA though but they are working on it
I got a video of Stephane the fish named Where's the Betta uploading to my youtube page. It is less than a minute long but is taking a long time for it to upload.
I should have said saving the AVI it should be compressed or resaved with Windows live moviemaker or something as raw uncompressed avi is very big
Thanks will try to remember for next time My YouTube video of my betta