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I now hate you. Your postwork skills far out class mine. Very nice work, I see I will enjoy watching your work as you post it.
I now hate you. Your postwork skills far out class mine. Very nice work, I see I will enjoy watching your work as you post it.
Thank-you but the credit goes to the amazing set of Ron's Explosions I have been looking to use since I got them last week.
Oh wow Version3, this is looking really good now, :coolsmile::coolsmile:
I too bought those explsions, but haven't had a chance to play yet.
Thanks Chohole and Jaderail
First, congrats on the new monitor! I couldn't live without a decent monitor to design on. As far as going overboard on the explosions, I don't think you went to far, but I think your placement could be better. One of the great things about that piece is the bike looked like it was ready to pop out of the screen. With that explosion in front of the tire, it really takes away from this. Another thing you may want to think about is where are you first looking when you see that image where do your eyes go from there? (I print things off, then turn them upside down to see about this, and it helps me with proportion and flow a lot.) I like how this image is coming along and I think it will be a great peice when you finish.
Thank-you but the credit goes to the amazing set of Ron's Explosions I have been looking to use since I got them last week.
Aren't Ron's Brushes the best. I own every one of them and use them constantly when making packs.
I really like them, so many to choose from and they look great with very little editing.
That is great!! and there can never be too many explosions when chasing that Mr Hyde!
looks awesome. well done
Thank-you sweetluv40, Angie Tucker and LycanthropeX.
Quite welcome, and I must say that your final render has come a very long way from where it started! Good luck in the judging, your entry has my vote for sure! On that note, I am already looking forward to next months competition .... perhaps we will see mono color renders I would love that!
Its still in progress at the moment. I am pleased with the angle of the shadows in general, but I feel like its missing something. I dunno maybe she should be holding an egg?
I really like this one. It was great to read through the thread and see the evolution of the image as you took on board the feedback. Nice work!
There is alot of 'background space' taking up the middle of the image. Maybe move the perspective a touch so either the girl or the dinosaur are more centered. Alternatively, move the dinosaur a bit further to the left so its taking up the bulk of the image. It might also give the impression the girl is cowering from it rather than just assessing her options.
I like the concept though, looking good.
OK guys and gals Today is the last day for submissions, so make sure you have posted your final images in the actual contest thread
Just a heads up for the people that can get word to others.
This thread is now staying marked as UNREAD no matter how many times you open it. Win 7 and IE 9.
Just in the Forum Home view, it shows READ in the New Users section.
Another random annoyance to keep us on our toes
A couple of different takes on my piece. The large amount of background space is more habit than anything else for me.
I also adjusted the concept to have the dinosaur looking at her from above.
the 2nd is my fav. Needs work on the lighting though, might play with the camera angle just a tad as well