Compatible 3D Software confusion "Everyday 1950 for Genesis Female"

The Platinum item "Everyday 1950 for Genesis Female" says Daz Studio only but the related item "Bobby Soxer" says Daz Studio and Poser?
Is one of the items incorrectly labelled in regards to Compatible 3D Software?
It all depends on whether the items were made for D|S4.5 or after, or for versions before D|S4.5 — this was when the .duf file format was introduced, and only a .duf file can be imported into Poser using DSON.
Just had a quick look at the files; yes, the clothes are all pre-4.5 .dsf files, the texture set has both .dsb and .duf files (should really only have one or the other). Technically, the compatibility is correct, but it's confusing. If you want to make the clothes Poser-importable, you'll have to re-save each item as a Figure Asset in a recent D|S version, that'll create the files that DSON can understand.
In general, whenever the compatibility section mentions only "DAZ Studio", it has older D|S files. If it says whatever the current version is, then it's more likely to have .duf files.
Thanks for the explanation, confusion is right.