Looking for a talented amateur 3D animation enthusiast to join a video project.

 I am trying to help a friend of mine who asked me if I could help him demonstrate the capabilities of a cloth simulator he created with a video one of my MMD (MikuMikuDance) conversions and his cloth sim. I am not a professional and am not being paid to help him, so that is why I am looking for other amateurs like myself who would just enjoy creating a a video for the fun of it. I provide the techical nuts and bolts of coverting the animtions into a useful format for DS and obviously my friend provides the expertice on the cloth simulation. I am hoping to find someone with artistic capability, who has a good eye for lighting and staging, and the most important quality of animating cameras. There is no paticular time constraints to work in right now, we are just trying to get some ideas off the ground. We are not looking for anybody to run the show, we are just looking for a few artistic suggestions for making videos. I am simply casting a net to find someone to join in creativley on a casual project if it sounds interesting. We will primarily stay in touch through the private message system here at DAZ. I am asking in this forum because DS is the platform we are using and most of the assets we will use will be purchased here as well. LOL, I'm sure this will turn out to be yet another one of those overlooked threads but hey if it looks interesting at all and you are in fact talented let me know and touch base via DAZ PM.

Thanks for taking the time to read, Take care all :) 


  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,588

    Good luck kiss


  • kwanniekwannie Posts: 869

    LOL, Yep that's what I was thinking!

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,588

    yeah the DAZ studio requirment rules out most animators, you probably only have Ivy and Bernie devil

    others (even the crappy but prolific ones like me) use other softwares blush

  • kwanniekwannie Posts: 869

    Oh I am not dicounting the the outstanding advice that I get from the normal DAZ Guru's. The problem is knowing when and where you guys might give a few nuggets of advice. I have gotten the knowledge I have from all three of you. I need someone to collaborate with and is willing to commit to joining a project team (even a loosley commited manner would safice) I just someone who will share artistic opinions and offer sound critique. Again I am hoping to find this from a stand point of legitmate artistic ability. My friend saw some of the eample of MMD conversions that I brought into DS and thought it would be the perfect way to showcase cloth simulation. The problem is DS is not MMD and getting appealing environments and lighting for a "music video" style animation to work in DAZ require a sence of art that my friend and I are not gifted with. We are techie guys, lol. I have gotten all kinds of effects to work with minimal stage setups  to work really well but to create an asthetically appealing video just aint my strength.  So here is to finding artistic amateur talent.

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