Problem with Perfectly Noseless for Genesis 8 Female
Posts: 1,124
It is a pretty good product, but when I render an image, it still shows the holes where the air would normally go through. Is there any way for me to remove the holes or round gaps?
It may be, at least in part, that there are painted in dark areas in the nostrils. If so using a different texture set might help, or a bit more fiddly you could chop a bit out of the face map and use the Layered Image Editor to place it over the nostril detail.
I can't say I'm impressed with the results - they don't seem to me much of an improvement over the old G3 Demon Builder set, and having to use the layered image editor to get results even a little close to the product images tells me this is an unfinished product. At the very least, there should be a tutorial included with it (there isn't) to walk you through the best method of use. Right now, I can't reccomend it over a little time in photoshop to get better results..
If I am right about the OP's issue then it would depend on the textures used, some will not have painted in occlusion shadows and would be fine (as witness the promo images) while others may require a slight tweak.