G8 - Basic v Dev Load v Real World
Posts: 106
in New Users
I hope someone can answer this basic question. Unfortunately the official Daz Glossary isn't very thorough and doesn't provide answers:
When loading G8F/G8M, the hierarchy allows different loading options. Using the Smart Content, clicking on the carrots drops down to layers of options that include "Basic", "Dev Load" (I assume for developers?) and then Real World. What are these different options, why would one use one as opposed to another and do any have a greater load time and/or memory usage?
Thanks to anyone that can answer this...
Base has textures, DevLoad iss et up with no maps and has other features zeroed to make a basis for content creation. I'm not sure what real World is.
By the way, that glossary is user-generated not official.
Thanks Richard - that helps. But I think I didn't write the original query correctly re: "Real World". The basic G8F/M doesn't have "real world" options, but many of the character produdcts do. For instance, the image below is a screen capture of Auroa HD. The figure can be loaded via different options, one being "Real World". In addition, there are "Real World" settings for various body features in the Parameters. Do you or anyone else know what the meaning of "Real World" is and why one might load the "Real World" character instead of the other options?
The Real World section that you are looking at is not a different version of the character. It's just the classification assigned to the character by the creator, and where the morph dials are stored. Essentially, those sections in the Parameters tab are a way of organizing different types of morphs so they can be found more easily there. Character morphs are set up so that their various shaping dials appear under the appropriate category. As MimicMolly said, the "realistic" morphs go under Real World, whereas an elf or troll morph would be found under Fantasy Sci-Fi, and toonlike character would go under Stylized. The same goes for any other sort of morph like noses, teeth, ears, and so on.
I don't have the character to confirm, but if it follows the usual pattern, Aurora's head morph (just the head shape), should be found under Head>People>Real World, because it's a head shape, she's a specific character with a name, and is classified as realistic. Her body morph will be under Full Body>People>Real World, and her full morph (the head and body and sometimes scaling values) will be in People>Real World. It's a filing system for the shaping morphs, basically, so you can view only the things that fit into the selected category instead of looking at every morph you've got installed in one huge list all the time.
The Actor preset that you show in your screenshot is essentially a shortcut. Instead of you loading the base G8F character, going to Parameters and dialing in Aurora's shape, then finding and loading her materials, using the Actor preset loads G8F with the Aurora shape and materials already applied.
Thank you all for spending time to help instruct us neophytes. It's MUCH appreciated!