Freebie request (or paid for even)

Hi all. I have a request for a freebie (or paid for) model that is unique. I have not been able to find anything like it. Maybe one of you could refer me to this model. I am looking for a model of a fort built out of sheets and stuuf in a livingroom setting. Since the virus quarentine went into effect, I have noticed that the kids have to entertaine themselves inside and lots of them are building little forts out of sheets and chairs with sleeping blankets or bags inside them. In some cases, the parents even come inside to hang with them and eat treats. Lots of TV commercials have been showing these forts to advertise food treats. Many of them. So, if there is one available I sure would like to get it. It can even be less the room as I have livingrooms. I have a story line I want to do for one of my families that would be good to have this fort in it.

Can anyone help me with this?




  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604

    Moved to Product suggestions as it is a request for, not an offer of, a freebie

  • chris-2599934chris-2599934 Posts: 1,834

    It shouldn't be too difficult to put something together from whatever chairs/tables/whatever you might have in your collection already, draped in some dforced plane primitives to act as blankets/sheets.

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