Any way to pin figure hands to an object?

When animating the handling of objects it would be really beneficial to be able to pin a figure's hands to a specific object so if I move the object in the scene the hands follow the movement.

I can parent the object to one of the hands, but that still leaves the other hand flopping around resulting in unwanted movements related to the object. I couldn't find a solution short of manually posing every single frame of the animation, which is just too much work.


  • margravemargrave Posts: 1,822

    There are IK Chains, which exist as a sort of "extra" object that you can parent to other objects in your scene. However they have the exact same problem as regular pinning, that if you move it even slightly outside the sphere of influence it overwrites the old IK position, so it's permanently moved to its new spot. In fact, I think under the hood "pinning" is just a hidden IK chain, so it's basically the same thing as hitting "space" to pin a hand in place.

  • RobinsonRobinson Posts: 751

    mcasual has loads of scripts, one of which is called "hold on".

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