Timelapse and tutorials - rolling hills and river canyons with Howler 9.5 [Commercial]

PD Howler 9.5 is now available here at Daz3D. See here:
We have many tutorials and videos for free viewing and learning to use the new 3D Designer features, including
- erosion
- ambient occlusion
- raytraced realtime shadows,
- sediments & coloring thereof
- puffy clouds
and more to create various types of scenery. Export the resulting mesh to OBJ file or export the various maps (color map, height map, light maps, region masks...) to bring them into Carrara and other environments for even more magic.
Here are a few videos and tutorials to wet your appetite:
There are a bunch more, but I don't want to overload you :-)
Find them on our youtube channel.
Happy painting, rendering, animating, waffling and howling!
Here is an image that shows an eroded mesh with sediments loaded into Carrara after exporting from Howler 9.5:
another mountain scene from Howler
This one has a slight amount of post work (3 suns)
multiple valleys and rolling hills
cold mountain