Running Carrara as W7 compatible + new video card?

Has anyone with W10 tried this? I again has a frozen screen and it wasn't my Quadro K2200 card this time (which turns my screen to no video input). When I was in Task Manager, this option to run in compatibility mode came up. But didn't the last version of Carrara come out when W10 was being used? Might be just shooting in the dark, but thought I'd ask.
I am also thinking that I should just get another graphics card. The Quadro only has d-ports and I am wondering if not having HDMI might be causing the video output problems. I have changed the TDR to 120 seconds. It helps, but does not cure the issue.
Am trying to do some housekeeping stuff with my set up whilst waiting for my eye ops. But hard to get up much enthusiasm.
No rush, but any ideas would be helpful. I did have a rebuild last fall, and everything works faster.... when it works!
Carrara 8.5 was released before Win 10 came out - even before 8, actually. But my Carrara runs fine on Win 10 64 bit Home without runnind in compatibility mode, so perhaps it's referring to your card? Not sure. I wish I was geekier than I am.
Nowadays buying a new GPU is tough. Nasty, evil folks are buying them in quantities, taking them out of stock and then turning around and reselling them (E-Bay and the like) for exhorbitant prices.
I've never tried a Quadro. I was told by geeks that these are not meant for what I was doing - running Carrara. They are more geared towards heavy lifting of high-end CAD work, I guess.
That said, if you know of a place where you can get a reasonable deal on a standard PC-class (Quadro are workstation-class) video card, I'd give it a try. I bought a GTX because I thought it might be nice for Daz Studio, if I even got round to trying that - which I did, and it does. It's just a lowly GTX 1660, 6GB but it works well as long as I don't try rendering a whole environment in DS, which is when it switched to CPU-only (the entire scene must fit entirely within GPU memory, or Iray won't use the GPU at all).
Carrara doesn't care about your GPU as long as it runs OpenGL. Of course, Octane, Luxrender and the like will want a strong GPU.
Other thoughts
Have you recently added any new plugins? If so, look through your extensions directory for duplicates. Also try taking the new plugins out of that directory to see if that helps.
Just last night, I lost hours of work due to Windows 10 restarting itself. I have to remember to change that setting! Argh! But that's certainly not the same as a lock-up.
I'm not sure what this is all about, but sometimes I'll notice that my hair simulations or renders or other performance just doesn't seem to be working as quickly or responsive as usual. When this happens I save my work (with a new name, just in case it gets corrupted) and restart Carrara, which almost always resolves the issue.
Sometimes when this happens, I'll run CCleaner through all of its paces and restart Windows. Windows 10 is amazing compared to XP but, like all Windows versions a good ol' restart should be done every now and again.
I really hope you get this all sorted and I also hope that your eye ops go well.
Thanks, Dart. I can buy off the Nvidia site, but I will talk to my local tech shop first. I have not seen a shortage on normal reseller sites, even Amazon. If I buy, they will install it. Just need to do some research! And I might go back to PC Specialist that Cholole recommended which is where I got my build in the first place. It was a gaming build actually, in the beginning. The Quadro worked great until the first driver update, then it was all aggro from then. So I rolled back and was OK until I had to upgrade machine to W10.
Maybe there is no connection... who knows. I am willing to try anything to have some consistency with performance. Rendering is never a problem, it's just working with any DS product or PS, anything that uses 'memory' just seizes up the video output for some reason. Even heavy surfing and/or downloading and saving images. This is the UK Nvidia store.
I uninstalled Adobe Reader as it was constantly showing activity in Task Manager even when I was not viewing a doc. A lot of nagging to stop using the free version and sub. I now use the Chrome reader for that as I have Adobe Pro on a laptop.
Do you have any idea of what kind of apps might be running? Ones that are connected with W10 or 3rd party? I will try to fire it up later today and take a screenshot of Task Manager processes if that would help you see what I have running. There seems to be little demand on CPU memory, it's just the long litany of utilities that puzzles me. Yes, I know that virus programmes are always running, but now sure what other ones would use 3D acceleration other that PS CS6 as it has 3D ability. How do I find those other ones other than posting a list of processes?
Can I increase the TDR to 180 or even 240?
Thanks for your reply and advice!
OK thanks... there were only a couple of those services to disable for gaming that I needed to do, the others I use, eg scanning, Bluetooth, etc. I have tinkered with Software vs OpenGL, but it looks weird in the Assy Room when I don't use Open GL, so I am not sure what the gain is there. There is an Nvidia control panel. As well as sections on 3D setings which is extensive and is set to Base Profile. I have fiddled there in the past, but end up restoring defaults as I probably do not know what I am doing! Also there is a GPU utilisation which offers two choices: Dedicate to Graphics Tasks or Use for Graphics and Compute Needs. The 2nd one is ticked at the moment. Too much 'stuff'!!
(see bold above) which point I'd bet that W10 updated to the latest official (as far as Microsoft is concerned) driver. Maybe see if you can find a way to roll it back again?
Not sure. Feeling for you though, my friend!
Dart, when I found the roll back worked when it was still W7, I gave the rebuild guys the disc from Nvidia/Quadro that came with the machine originally. So I had them load the driver from there vs the Nvidia site just to be sure it was the 'original' original.
3Drendero, Later today or in the week I will do some screengrabs of the Nnvidia console options. They boggle the mind and I have tried to choose Carrara for it's chief task. I think I need advice with managing the console!
Husband wants me to just get another machine. I finally was able to get him a laptop to replace his 10 year old Dell which I won't upgrade as it has my Adobe Creative Suite 3 on it which I need for Illustrator and InDesign. I have PS CS6 on my big build which is a legit copy so that can be transferred. The PS that is in ACS3 is fine, too, but I like some of 6 features better. I could not find a decent laptop deal as every brand seemed to be price-gouging during Covid. So much demand, and much of it from families with children who needed to home-school. Not a nice look at all.
Grandkid today... then a recovery day. Need to get back to this. I am way behind in my illustrations but am a bit limited due to vision issues. Wating for notice any day now!!?!!?
Thanks, both!
Whoa! If Rosie said that I should just get a new PC, I'd jump right on that!!! ;)
Okay, if the original driver is what was working on your Win7 machine, and it hasn't been right since you've switched to Win10 with that original driver, perhaps try the very latest driver available? Also, (not sure about Quadro) nVidia GTX drivers are available as Gamer or the other kind - I get the other kind (not Gamer), as that is what is suggested for this kind of stuff.