dForce Hair Suddenly Not Rendering (Resolved)

evilded777evilded777 Posts: 2,466
edited April 2021 in Daz Studio Discussion

Rendered yesterday...today, no dForce hair item I try renders... not in preview render, not in full render.

I have not updated Studio in the interim, nor have I update drivers.  It appears there is a Windows update pending restart... which scares me.


Anyone else?

Post edited by evilded777 on


  • margravemargrave Posts: 1,822
    edited April 2021

    Yes, I'm always scared by pending Windows updates.

    That aside, are these strand-based hairs? And did you ensure the preview/tesselation settings are on?

    Post edited by margrave on
  • ToyenToyen Posts: 1,918

    Make sure you do not have the 'Geometry Editor' as the active tool before you render dhair. That prevents dhair from showing up in renders.

  • Joe2018Joe2018 Posts: 265

    Take a look at the Log File. Is there any message?

    I had trouble with the "Cute Braids Hair" on a System with a 6GB Geforce GTX 1660 Ti it would not render. The Log File said somewhat like "could not allocate graphic memory" on my main system everything OK (RTX 2060 8GB).

    NS: some other hair was also OK on the 1660.


  • evilded777evilded777 Posts: 2,466

    Thanks for all the suggestions folks... a system reboot cleared it up.

    This was very strange, as even sending a file to a remote render farm produced the same result. But all was back to normal after the restart.

  • 3dNoob3dNoob Posts: 3
    edited February 2022

    Toyen said:

    Make sure you do not have the 'Geometry Editor' as the active tool before you render dhair. That prevents dhair from showing up in renders.


    Thank you!  I was near panic when I saw that not only my current project but none of my previous pieces would render dhair!  I checked tesselations and render optimization settings and my lighting and a partridge in a pear tree ... it turned out that I'd left the geometry doohickey on.  Whew!  I really wish these things came with an instruction manual!  lol  


    Post edited by 3dNoob on
  • rwetmorerwetmore Posts: 20

    Toyen said:

    Make sure you do not have the 'Geometry Editor' as the active tool before you render dhair. That prevents dhair from showing up in renders.

    Or the 'Mesh Grabber' tool if you own it. I used it to adjust some clothing and dForce hair just refused to render after that. I restored files from backup, tried setting/resetting every parameter, and was pulling out what (admittedly) little hair I have left before it struck me.

  • Toyen said:

    Make sure you do not have the 'Geometry Editor' as the active tool before you render dhair. That prevents dhair from showing up in renders.

    Wow! Thank you! I was freaking out. That's not very intuitive!

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