Gargoyle HD - Make him fly

I am working with Joe Quick's Gargoyle HD, the skins and character are amazingly detailed. My question is how you manually pose the wings. I can't find where the controls are that actually move the wings. I would like to make him fly. The poses included in Stone Guardian for Gargoyle HD are great, but I would like to animate him.


  • can't see any poses for the wings options other than in those poses in stone guardian BUT you can select each part of the wings bones and move them in you paremeters tab with x,y,z kinda bit tedious and longer to pose but in a way makes it more flexable and more options in how you pose the wings so probably the better option


    gargoyle wing posing.jpg
    2009 x 1062 - 1M
  • JoeQuickJoeQuick Posts: 1,721

    Just grab the parts with the pose tool and move them

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