Five Minute Carrara Animation "Dream Vacation"

An entry in the 48 Hour Film's "48x2 Animation Contest 2021" (online, worldwide, 23 teams entered). The genre is comedy, the character Crunch Hardtack - a ranch hand, the prop a nail, and the dialogue "Check. Check, check. We're ready." The "x2" means four days instead of the usual two for the regular 48 Hour Film contest.
top job, thought I was going to hear 'Holiday Road' there at the start.. lol
Thanks. I had to look up "Holiday Road", but yeah, I can see it. Good stuff from an earlier member of a great group, Fleetwood Mac. Would have been a good opening song for the animation, but probably not royalty free - the contest is big on stuff like music releases.
I enjoyed that lol. think we've all had boyfriends who turned into bores. buttmunch show. lol
the cigarette smoke was perfect
Thanks. As you might know, the smoke was Particle Illusion, the (not free) plugin version for Vegas. Same for the meteor shower over the icy mountain, and the (maybe hard to see) volcanic action on the planet. Its a fun program to use, with an amazing number of presets. Which is good, since creating a new "emitter" (preset) from scratch seems to me like rocket surgery. I doubt that I'll ever need to do this.
Very cool!
Thanks. It was a fun project, now on to the next one ...
Brilliant as usual.
Cool kind of "ballet" of that ship arriving with the city scenes and glowing and blinking lights.
Nicely done!
Many thanks for the kind words.
I recall another guy did a similar ballet ...
Hard to believe that was over 50 years ago ... I agree with the comment "Can you imagine how goddamn mind blowing this was in 1968?" Yup, I was there.
Watch the 48x2 Animated Films Online
For 4 days in April, animation teams in the US and Europe raced against the clock to create animated shorts. Now you can view the results from the comfort of your own living room.
The film are available on our streaming site on Eventive.
One ticket ($7.50) gets you access to all of the animated films.
Check out cowboy, Crunch Hardtack, or musician, Laverne Chickadee, or an assortment of other characters in this year's crop of animated films. Enjoy!
There were 23 entries making two to five minute animations, with randomly drawn genres (comedy, western, scifi, etc.) and assinged elements: character (name & occupation), prop amd line of dialogue.
I watched the 23 animations and was impressed. In the Houston annual contest (mostly live action, two days instead of four here), I give a grade (1-10) to each video so I can vote at the end. With 40 - 50 entries, the average is probably about 5, with usually only several really good (you have to vote for three). I don't think this contest has an audience vote, but I graded them anyway. For the 23 videos, the average is about 7/10, with a handful at the top of the scale, both 3D and 2D. Of course, this is a much wider contest (US & Europe), but still ... The online viewing is available for a couple more days, well worth the $7.50 IMHO.
See the awards show and the screening of the winning film on Sunday, May 23 at 3 pm Eastern on the official 48HFP YouTube Channel: 48HFP Central
My prediction is :
Carotte Team (Paris) -
'Of pipings and rings'
A very clever 2D animation with cool water color graphics and great voice acting. They won last year, you can see that short animation here, plus the 2nd and 3rd place finishers:
Yup, "Of Pipings & Rings" won, you can see it here, starts ~10:45 after the awards:
Hey! I saw yours highlighted in there too! :)
Yup, a few short excerpts in the contest trailer. But I gotta admit that winner was very well done, art design, voice acting, ... loved it.
perfect, terrific narrative music and shots - only thing I could suggest was bezier curves (/?) at start and finish of each camera animation - the fade shots were A1 professional.
love the look on the guy's face at the bar and the woman have a nanny fit
Are you talking about "Dream Vacation"? If so, many thanks. I think I used some bezier curves for the camera moves, but probably not enough, just the default Carrara curves.
sure, dream vacation !
Okay, I was off on my own tangent about the winner of the contest, "Of Pipings And Rings". But I couldn't connect your comments to that video ... guy in a bar? Sounds like "Dream Vacation" ... ahh, the original thread topic ...
So again, many thanks.