
Heyheyheyhey! What's up? i'm still around.
i found this render i did 8000 years ago in 2012 band decided to try to recreate it and render it bigger bso i ca get a 36x24 print. because..why not? i like sunsets and I'm weirdly drawn by that long reflection of the water the sun makes whe it's hanging low over the horizon.
But maybe I can make it better? a scattering of little rainbows or one big one, maybe?
What I've done:
Sun Light + RSE
Ocean primitive + Replicator
Camera set at 45 degree angle
Default Ocean shader. Highlight 100, Shininess really low
Lens Flare: Sunlight
Render settings: Raytracing, Skylight and Indirect light on sand everything set to one level below Best
What is Photon count in render settings? i've forgotten about caustics and the right settings
Any tips?

Depth of field, make it less in-focus as it goes further out. (Especially the waves, where the pattern becomes visible.)
A little haze as it goes further out. (Evaporation, mist, spray, etc.)
Some piece of detail in the distance? A boat, a birb, something to spark the imagination of a living thing in the distance?
i was about to ask how to solve the wave pattern problem. lol i can see it even at close range
as a blind guy, imight need a bit of help with haze....
I'd also suggest inverting whatever map is driving the wave pattern, so the waves beome peaks instead of mounds,or if its a plane maybe just rotate that 180 degrees so the under side becomes the top side?
i'm sorry, i messed up. could a moderator p,lease move this to the Carrara forum?
If Carrara can do procedural noise, like perlin, you could create non repeating waves. Even better if you can layer them!
here's a WIP.
As a blindie, i' not sure what color to make the fog,b o i triedvforv dar4k grey.
DOF, I have no idea. Carrara only les you sev the focus in feet and that ocean is probbly 3000 feet, so...
I love the colors! Your Mom will love this!
Well done, that ocean water looks 10x better! Maybe layer and use the same technique on the clouds a little bit, and you're sun-set!
Thanks guys! FYI, that's straight out of the renderer. No postwork.
Gotta say I haven't really seen stars in years, unless they're big stars. Do you think we'd be able to see stars in this kinda scene?
Not in real life - at least not humans with human eyes. The sun is such a bright star for us, being as close as it is, that it blinds our eyes to them. That's why big cities with a lot of bright lights (astronomical term - light pollution) never see the stars unless they leave the city.
But art can always differ from reality if and when we want it to! ;)
When my store closed here at Daz 3D, the promo images disappeared too :(
I can't seem to find the render I did using the Spectral Clouds browser preset with Starry Sky for Carrara. I thought it was a pretty cool render. So did my beta tester.
One thing to note about Starry Sky and water is that the aura or star-like flares don't reflect in the water - just the stars themselves. But it's fun to play around with Starry Sky along with the realistic sky! Mine had stars, even thought the sun was (barely) still in view.
I went there, I clicked on Starry Sky and it opened, I can see the thumbnails, but they won't open. It says to try again later, so I will.
Thank You!!!!!