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That looks really cool, Music!
Nicely done! I like the use of the shadow to insinuate where you are without actually showing the pyramid itself.
Nicely done! I like the use of the shadow to insinuate where you are without actually showing the pyramid itself.
Thank you. :) It was a last minute, "aha!" moment.
A quick one from me.
Almost every summer, we'd make the 9 hour long trip to see my grandparents. My sister and I would fight in the back of the car, or sign songs or annoy my parents. And there was always a point when I would start to daydream about the day when I'd be able to drive down there all by myself.
1. Antonia 1.2
2. Glasses type 2*
3. Dynamic Bodice shirt*
4. ToniPolygon Skin
5. Straight Hair No. 4
6. Jewelry Project - Art Nouveau Barrette
7. Yellow Shopping Bags Five from the bottom
8. Hobobos River #23*
9. Open Road Prop
10. Inane Glory’s Simple Soft Freebie Light Set*
* Requires registeration.
Missing links for: Ford Gran Torino.
MUSIC, the winner gets all those cars too, right? And the pickup truck?? BEAUTY!
Just kiddin'. I know you won't part with that pickup. The building set looks terrific and VERY flexible, as in HANDY!
ASSASSIN, you went all the way to Egypt and all you saw was a pyramid SHADOW?? That's just cruel. The camel looks like he goes through this with the tourists every day, however. What a rip!
I do love the lighting that created that shadow, though!
SHAAELIA I remember reading this story in the newspaper. You were that kid who stole your parents' car and went for a joy ride. The famous stolen Gran Torino, right? Did they ever catch you? Or are you still, like, just driving around?
Nice to see you back in the challenge!
MAVELLE, it is especially nice to see you back! Almost feels like old times around here again.
Sounds like a typical family trip. :) Nice minimalist image! Too bad there aren't many good ground textures...the obvious repetitive patterns annoy me. It's hard to find one that isn't like that in some way.
Hey, welcome back, Dorseyland! Crazy new avatar! :lol:
Whuh? I've only been away for about two weeks! You know what, among other 3D things I got happily sucked into the vortex of ShareCG's back pages of 3D models. I'm halfway through the 400 pages and regularly finding cool stuff I did not know existed. Extended free shopping!
Yeah, I used to visit ShareCG daily, but a while back (over a year) I fell out of that habit. Now I'm sorry, because it looks like it will take forever to catch up. The site is kind of slow. And once you start a download, you can't do anything else until the download completes. I wish they'd fix that, but I guess it's because they have such popularity and the bandwidth must be congested all the time.
Actually Dana they do it to foil the mass downloaders who come along and strip sites, just for fun.
Do you remember when Francemi went down becuase of bandwidth problems with someone trying to mass download my entire catalogue ?
One download at a time is one of the easiest ways of restricting that sort of behaviour. If we ever get anyone trying to do it again to my site then Kendall will add something similar to it.
It is just sad that it is neccesary to do things like that.
When I see good things for free, I like to get them. And I don't like to waste time on a one-at-a-time feast. I have such fast Internet, it seems an annoyance to me when I can only download one thing at a time. And it's especially annoying when I can't even look at the next thing while I'm waiting. Surely a site like ShareCG intends to have a lot of people logging in and getting stuff. They're a huge site, with huge popularity. Two at a time would be at least some kind of satisfactory compromise. Browsing should be allowed at least. I don't know the technical side of that, perhaps they can't be separated...but I bet they can if someone sat down and thought about it. Page loading and downloading files that are content can be distinguished. I don't know.
It doesn't mean I don't visit the site, it's just that it's too time consuming the way it's set up. Especially with the slow page loads. But they do have some great stuff there.
On 1-Aug we had a few people hit it pretty hard. Since I shifted the site to the High-Speed link, the load has decreased somewhat. However, I think google is still sending folks to the other servers. There's still some bulk downloading going on there, but not as much as before.
This is the kind of vacation Dad would love to have. :D
Alexa ;)
Dorsey, I've discovered that Dazzing and driving are not all that compatible, so I do take time to stop every now and then ;-)
Dana, I agree. The ground texture was the one from Hobobos River #23, but it didn't turn out quite like I wanted it to.
Alexa, :-D Love the render, captures the moment perfectly! Although this "sleep" thing, it is becoming extinct around my neck of the woods.
nice render Shaaelia, (tosses some pies at ya)
and Dorseyland... HAHAHAHAHA... your avatar is the spitting image of you! I love it (tosses some pies your way too)
assassin, I love the shadow of the pyramid in you render, guess I need to toss some pies at you too!!! now remember everyone, I'm tossing pies AT you not to you LOL where is my little devil emoticon when I need him...
He could be hiding behing that pile of pies you have stored away in the cupboard.
yeah I have a never ending supply of pies in the cupboard.
they need to get back the old emoticons from the old forum. alot more options for sure.
Yes, I totally agree, there is enough variety. No crying ones, no hugging ones, no wicked one, thumbs up, thumbs down, all sorts of ones.
ipe! Another pie war! :-D
I miss the old smilies too, but I like your new avatar, Jeeperz
thanks Shaa, it's from Popeye, he is Eugene the jeep, he goes around saying jeep jeep instead of speaking. My FAVORITE Popeye character.
yeah, pie wars just aren't the same anymore, there was a time that I could keep a pie fight going in this thread for a couple days, now I'm lucky if someone ducks or notices.
Well, in that case, you'd better duck, as I just loaded up the catapult with ten fresh cream pies. The next ten posters cop it!
(pulls out cream-pie-proof jacket and sits back to watch the mayhem! ;-))
I was just going to sa...... *SPLAT* arghhhh you got me.
Wow, it's kind of slippery in here! Will this cream moisturize my skin? It's been a little dry lately. %-P
why yes it will
on a sad note, my daughter had to put her cat Mozart to sleep today, he had not been keeping food down for some time now and @ 19 years of age he was not doing well, it was a really hard day for her and her family. He was ornery in his youth but had mellowed in his age.
Halts the pie-o-pault for a post or two...
ha! got ya jeeperz and Dana!
Jeeperz, my condolences to your daughter and her family. It is not easy to loose a pet.
On that note, looking through the start of the thread,
Music, my condolences to your wife, your family and to you. I hope that there are good memories to help you all with his loss.
Krissy, my condolences to you and your man. I hope that the poisoner will be caught and stopped.