how to use spline in carrara 8.5 pro

hi my name is pablo banegas I like to know how to use spline in carrara
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hi my name is pablo banegas I like to know how to use spline in carrara
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Hi Pablo.
The Spline Modeler section begins on page 300 of this pdf, which is page 288 of the actual book. It may be easier to just scroll down to the third page (iii) of the Table of Contents and click on the chapter. It's under Modeling, just after the Vertex Modeling stuff.
Carrara Pro User Manual Revision G
There's also a lot more information about Carrara in my Carrara Info section
You can read and/or download the cool 3dXtract magazines, find links to all sorts of topics...
If you can find a copy of either the Carrara 3 Handbook or Carrara 5 Handbook - both by Mike de la Flor, he covers the Spline modeler in good detail. But you should get a good start from that User Guide link I put in the post above. There's a wiki from the old ArtZone, but all the images are gone, and it was just a copy of this manual anyway.
Okay... much easier for you.
Here is a tutorial from our fallen friend, Cripeman.
As he talks in the beginning, watch what he does with his mouse. You'll see him click on the wine glass in the upper left of the window. Then he drags into the scene, which launches the Spline Modeler.
He has a bunch of video tutorials and he uses the Spline Modeler quite a bit.
I have an index to all of his tutorials in my Carrara Zone - Cripeman Tutorial Index
He does bevels in the Spline Modeler in this one:
theres also some spline samples in the carrara native content
to play with.
i feel intimidated by the spline modeller, lol
Me too! LOL
I have studied it enough to feel comfortable to play with it, but it just... well... intimidates me!
But you are absolutely correct. All of the items in this Native Content List pdf are Spline models
I still use splines to fill in quick details of a scene. In my recent challenge entry, the borders were done with splines. With snap to grid enabled, I drew a square on the drawing plane. I drew and inner square. Used the geometry preset for compound and... kapow ... I have a frame for the album. Duplicate, change texture, and reduce size a little and... kapow ... I have an inner border for the frame. Need a third frame with the top pulled down? No problem, duplicate again and pull down the two inner points from the top, and change texture again. Need a partial line with two arrows pointing down? Use the spline to sketch out on the drawing plane.
Everything that was not text or in the forest scene with people is a spline model.
Here are the steps.
- in spline modeler, choose front camera for flat drawing plane. use the square preset. use pen tool and draw square.
- select all. copy. paste. now a second square is on top of the first.
- select corner point and drag inward (hold shift to constrain ratio, i think)
- open arrange menu and choose to combine as compound
- in directors view can see spline model frame and use side lines to thicken or flatten to taste
Suddenly I feel a Lot les intimidated.
In fact, now I want to play with the Spline Modeler!
On that, I haven't had much time lately (what else is new, right?) so all of my time is spent on a specific purpose of animating. But when I did have a bit of time, I was reading through the Carrara 3 Handbook cover-to-cover from the beginning. I'm at the part where we start to model a human head in the Spline modeler, and Mike de la Flor also takes a lot of the anxiety away from the Spline modeler for me. I'm so glad I got these books and look forward to doing the exercises!
Right away, when I saw the head we are about to model, I thought of you, Diomede, and your Adventures of Brash Lonergan and Moxie!
Dart - I started a 'pinup page" for our books for Carrara.
On spline models, my Silent Running movie robot has a lot of spline modeler elements. I made it for a challenge back in June of 2014. Time flies.
Fantastic work Diomede - looks great!
Thanks for the mini Spline Modeler tutorial.
Oh wow, I totally don't remember a tutorial modeling a human head in the Spline Modeler! Would definitely be cool to see again in retrospect.
I do remember the head modeling tutorial in the Vertex Modeler, way, way over my head at the time...(tee hee hee, get it? Ugh, I know...
Diomede's Brash Lonergan and Moxie figures are fantastic!!
My mistake - the human head in Carrara 3 Handbook is done with the Vertex modeler, it's an airplane we're doing in Splines. Still a very cool book!
It lloks like the Carrara 5 Handbook has lessons for Spline modeling a rocket, a low poly character in Vertex, and a character head and concept car in Hexagon.
Wow Diomede, that Silent Running Robot is Awesome!!!
Yeah, every once in a while I open many of the example models from the Carrara browser and take a look at how they're made - well... I look at the pieces that they're made up from. It's incredible what all can be done with some fairly basic shapes and interesting shaders, which is actually a big lesson to take from Mike's Handbooks.
I always claim (truthfully) that I'm not in this hobby to make models, but I can't help but to feel the urge to possibly change my mind on that. Looking at your cool threads of how-tos and showcases, as well as others, gets really inspiring - pulling me closer to taking yet another break from my main goals to have some fun!
I think the real power is with Doublesweep and Gordon surfaces. It's a lot to wrap your brain around, but it's basically patch modeling and poor man's nurbs modeling.
This guy Cripeman has a good way of explaining things. I see from Dartanbeck's comment above, Cripeman is no longer with us. Unfortunate!
Very. He and I became good friends during the time when I created the ►►► Carrara Information Manual ◄◄◄, which was originally only meant to be an Index to his great tutorials. It was his idea to expand it, and expand I did - got a bit over my head I think. But it was a lot of fun to make! was made as a way to continue and preserve that work and has the beginnings of a whole new Index to his work.
I shall cherish the time we've spent together Always!
I see. Lucky you got to be friends with him! Seems like he was a great guy. He certainly inspired you.
For some reason, your inset image is inaccessible. I can see Kapow and your tribute line, but no picture.
In the early days of Ray Dream, all we had was the Spline modeler.
One day I'd love to boast the entire collection, or at least a cpoy of each major release, including Ray Dream.
It wasn't long ago when I saw many of each version available via Amazon. Not anymore
I'm getting myself geared up for some fun with the Spline modeler. Time to take the plunge!
It'll be fun to see what you do.
I can make a variety of bottles in the Spline modeller easily
I do cups, bowls, and chess pawns too
No mistakes - Happy Accidents!!!
Because now you piqued my curiosity and now I have to investigate...ah, right there in Native Content:
Browser > Objects > Misc > Face
Now I want to take a shot at making my own.
Out of total curiosity I tried opening a super old Carrara file from when I first started.
I chose a file that had my rocket / space ship, the one in my avatar here on the forums - it is all Spline Model parts.
Edit to add: - I've forgotten a lot about Spline Modeler secrets.