Apollo for M6--coming soon (*commercial)

The latest Gypsy Boy for Michael 6.

846 x 1100 - 416K

846 x 1100 - 437K

1320 x 1500 - 486K
Post edited by gypsyangel on
You really shouldn't make us all drool at our screens. Computers are not immune to saliva.
In other words, he is gorgeous.
Indeed. Looking forward to this.
Oh, thanks!! :)
Love him. Definitely a must buy. I really like the hair/scalp textures as well. =-)
Ooh! Nice! Love the fact that he has a nice, clean texture, and he even has a bit of an ethnic flavor to his skin tone! :)
I just hope no one comes in here thinking that w're getting a new Apollo Maximus! ;)
Well, I can't take credit for the hair---that's Studio Art Vartanian's Alpha Scalp. There just aren't that many hairs that really look right on him, so it's either really long hair or shaved. :/ He wants dreadlocks... :)
Oh, geez...are people still using that?
If they can't differentiate between that model and Michael 6, I don't know what to tell them...you'd think the part in the title that says "M6" would hopefully be their first clue.
I must say, he looks really good whatever hair he has. =-) But that long style is very cool too!
Oh, geez...are people still using that?
If they can't differentiate between that model and Michael 6, I don't know what to tell them...you'd think the part in the title that says "M6" would hopefully be their first clue.
Hon, there people here who still use V2 & M2. ;)
Just wondering, does he use Base Male or M6 UVs?
Oh, geez...are people still using that?
If they can't differentiate between that model and Michael 6, I don't know what to tell them...you'd think the part in the title that says "M6" would hopefully be their first clue.
Hey! If he didn't bend so horribly and had, you know, clothes, I might still be using Apollo Maximus! There are a couple of characters that I haven't really been able to recreate in any way. I wish there was a way to convert his textures to M4 or so; he's got one of the two photographic South Asian male textures that I know of. (And they're both retired now, too.)
Hey! If he didn't bend so horribly and had, you know, clothes, I might still be using Apollo Maximus! There are a couple of characters that I haven't really been able to recreate in any way. I wish there was a way to convert his textures to M4 or so; he's got one of the two photographic South Asian male textures that I know of. (And they're both retired now, too.)
So convert the texture yourself...it really isn't that hard. It takes a bit of cutting and pasting in Photoshop, but the hard part is already done. You just have to fit the puzzle together, fix the seams and you're good to go. Shouldn't take more than a few days at most.
Hon, there people here who still use V2 & M2. ;)
Well, that's beyond sad...and I can't tell you how much that horrifies me. LOL
Unfortunately, I'm not good enough at texturing or GIMP to even attempt such a thing, or I would try it. An Apollo Maximus texture doesn't look at all like a Gen4 texture, alas.
Anyway, your Apollo looks very nice. Hope he makes it into the store soon!
I noticed your post about the new female product you have coming out, and it reminded me of Apollo. I was just wondering, any word on what's happening with Apollo? Or is that an awkward question?
Also, will he use Base Male or M6 UV?
I noticed your post about the new female product you have coming out, and it reminded me of Apollo. I was just wondering, any word on what's happening with Apollo? Or is that an awkward question?
Also, will he use Base Male or M6 UV?
Oh...Apollo is scheduled to come out right after Christmas. :)
He uses the G2M UV's. And Izarra uses G2F base UV's. From now on (Actually since Aneta---she's due out next year, I think), unless it's really tricky, I'll just use the base UVs.
Well, he's out, and he's definitely fun to work with! I've been playing a bit with the extremely brawny morph. Herewith, an extremely modelly pose, just because.
Hehehe... :D
He looks awesome!! :)
Definitely buying today. Don't have time to look yet and see If there is anything else I want, but I love your dudes. Good work=-)
Oh, thanks!! :)
I'm always a guaranteed sale...
Hey, Nem!
I see you have his sister there with him... :D
Nice work...he looks a bit on the surly side. Must be before morning coffee... :D
I'm so glad you got him...he really does look amazing here. What hair is that? I should have that hair...
Ah, it is Kalum hair http://www.daz3d.com/kaylum-hair-for-genesis-2
And he looks good with ancient hair too!
Well...see? Now it looks like he's had his coffee and something else to make him smile... :D
Beautiful render....love the DOF.