DSON Importer performance issue

NagraNagra Posts: 99
edited December 1969 in Poser Discussion

Just tried the DSON importer with PP 2014 Game Dev and loading a plain Genesis 2 character is ultra slow. Taking about 7 minutes to load the character renders DSON into a completely useless thing… so my question: Is this the normal performance of this DSON importer for loading a Genesis 2 character?

I have the latest DSON that came with the DS4.7 update installed. I am on Mac OSX 10.9.5, Intel i7 @ 2.3GHz and 16GB of RAM.

Here the time values from the DSON log file:

Importer Setup in 0 min 0.0 sec.
DSON File Read in 0 min 0.0 sec.
DSON Dynamic Read in 0 min 2.8 sec.
Poser Native File Created in 0 min 24.2 sec.
Poser Native File Loaded in 2 min 21.5 sec.
Applied Settings in 4 min 28.6 sec.
Total File Load in 7 min 18.5 sec.


  • DrNewcensteinDrNewcenstein Posts: 816
    edited December 1969

    Running an i7-4770K on WIn8.1 PC here, with PP2014 Game Dev. That's definitely slow.

    Are you running the DSON script directly or are you loading the figure from the library? On the PC, the CR2 calls the script when you load it from the library, so directly activating the DSON script is not needed.

    Just loaded V6 HD and it took about 46 seconds.

  • Lissa_xyzLissa_xyz Posts: 6,116
    edited November 2014

    What I've noticed, is the first load without having temp/cache files in place is always longer than subsequent loads with temp/cache files in place.

    Just for comparisons. I'm on an i7-2600K (3.4-4.5Ghz based on OC throttle), EVGA 770 FTW 4GB and 8GB ram.
    Video drivers and DSON Importer are all current.
    Latest version of PP2014 GameDev.

    First time loading after clearing temp/cache files:

    Loaded file: Genesis 2 Base Female.duf
    Importer Setup in 0 min 0.0 sec.
    DSON File Read in 0 min 0.2 sec.
    DSON Dynamic Read in 0 min 33.5 sec.
    Poser Native File Created in 0 min 3.4 sec.
    Poser Native File Loaded in 0 min 5.3 sec.
    Applied Settings in 0 min 18.9 sec.
    Total File Load in 1 min 1.9 sec.

    Next load (with temp/cache files already in place):

    Loaded file: Genesis 2 Base Female.duf
    Importer Setup in 0 min 0.0 sec.
    DSON File Read in 0 min 0.0 sec.
    DSON Dynamic Read in 0 min 0.7 sec.
    Poser Native File Created in 0 min 0.8 sec.
    Poser Native File Loaded in 0 min 5.0 sec.
    Applied Settings in 0 min 18.7 sec.
    Total File Load in 0 min 25.8 sec.

    Also, turn off Show Progress on Load in Scripts > DSON > Importer Prefs

    Post edited by Lissa_xyz on
  • NagraNagra Posts: 99
    edited December 1969

    @Newc: I am loading the figure from the library. However loading it directly with the DSON script makes no difference.

    @Vaskania: Thanks for posting your DSON logs. Well subsequent loading is not an issue. I do have a SSD so there is not much of a difference to expect.

    But comparing with your numbers is quite interesting. Reading the DSON file and creating the Poser file is on my system more or less equal but when it comes to reading the generated Poser file and applying the settings my system breaks down by a factor of 12 to 28 compared to your values. That is a very very huge difference and clearly shows that something is totally wrong here.

    First i thought that all the G2F extra morphs i do have installed break down the performance (the generated PMD file is about 140 MB) but having a slowdown by a factor of more than 20… i can’t believe that anymore.

    Open question to me: Is this a OSX issue with DSON or is it a problem with PP2014 on my machine.

    First time:

    Loaded file: Tigerlily.duf
    Importer Setup in 0 min 0.0 sec.
    DSON File Read in 0 min 0.0 sec.
    DSON Dynamic Read in 0 min 2.3 sec.
    Poser Native File Created in 0 min 1.6 sec.
    Poser Native File Loaded in 2 min 16.8 sec.
    Applied Settings in 3 min 44.6 sec.
    Total File Load in 6 min 6.2 sec.

    2nd time:

    Loaded file: Tigerlily.duf
    Importer Setup in 0 min 0.0 sec.
    DSON File Read in 0 min 0.0 sec.
    DSON Dynamic Read in 0 min 1.7 sec.
    Poser Native File Created in 0 min 1.5 sec.
    Poser Native File Loaded in 2 min 19.3 sec.
    Applied Settings in 3 min 55.8 sec.
    Total File Load in 6 min 19.1 sec.

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