Scene pane listing - what spot does the "X" mark?
I just noticed something in the Scene pane in D|S and I don't know what it represents. Clicking on an item on or near the arrow produces a little "X".
What's that for?
For what it's worth, I've placed a red circle around the "x" in the attached screenshot.
229 x 105 - 11K
IIRC that symbol tells you if that node can be selected by clicking on it in the viewport. When there's a x it's not selectable.
The x means that the item is not selectable in the viewport.
Soooo... this would be for if you... don't want to include something when you are... doing some sort of global change or movement?
Like a locking device, sort of??
I like to use this feature when I don't want something to be highlighted (selected) in a scene when I'm making adjustments to other items in the scene. If I'm working on a character in a scene, it can be a bit distracting if the whole setting turns yellow. I'm sure there are far many better uses for this feature as well.
Got it, thanks. Ha, there have been LOTS of times when the entire thing pane has "turned yellow", for me!
I like to use this feature on things in the backgound once they are set up (or if I don't need to easily select them in the Viewport at the moment) so that I can click on any of those things in the Viewport in order to "Un-Select All" in the Scene Tab. Helps to avoid and/or alleviate the "Everything in the Scene Tab becomes inexplicably Selected for no apparent reason" problem that's been rampant (for me at least) in DS for a while now...