Some Questions About HD Add-on Body Morphs
I'm considering buying the Kayo 8 character, and at least one of the other characters that requires Kayo 8. After seeing the HD add-on morphs for Kayo 8, I'm thinking of getting that as well.
My question is how do these HD add-on morphs for a specific character work? Do they apply to the other Kayo 8 characters as well? I assume they will only work on Kayo 8 (and hopefully characters derived from her).
Are these morphs accessible in the Parameters pane? Are they adjustable or do they apply automatically?
How do these add-on morphs compare with figures that are HD already?
The figure isn't HD, the morph is (all of the Genesis figures are sub-divided, to smooth the emsh out; regular morphs move only the base geometry but HD morphs can move the vertices created by the sub division to give finer details). You can mix and match HD morphs just as you can regular morphs, how well they will mix depends on the morphs themselves.
Thanks for the response!
I also think you need to up the subD render level to take advantage of the HD effect.
How do I access the subD render level? I haven't made that type of adjustment yet.
select the figure, then the parameters tab - then general - mesh resolution - subdivision level
Keep in mind that increasing this level takes much more resources each level you go up.
Thanks for letting me know how to access the subdivision level. This is an area I need to learn about.