Out Now: Time for School for G2F (& G2M abit later) (Commercial)

DogzDogz Posts: 898
edited December 2014 in Daz PA Commercial Products

Well -Since one else seemed to be doing it it thought i might as well step up to the plate.

A traditional school uniform for Genesis 2 - not a skimpy cosplay version!
G2F In store now, matching G2M version also in the works - so abit less soon on that ;)

Female version includes: Blazer, Shirt, 2x Ties (long and short), Skirt and Tights,
Morphs and Mats will be aplenty.

846 x 1100 - 605K
846 x 1100 - 285K
Post edited by Dogz on


  • DogzDogz Posts: 898
    edited December 1969

    Ahh sorry commons, Mods please can we move/duplicate this to commercial forum as needed - thanks.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,260
    edited December 1969

    ...nice to see more practical clothing on the way. This will work well for scenes in my story.

  • mpearcempearce Posts: 14
    edited December 1969

    The loose tie and the untucked shirt are a nice touch.

  • cecilia.robinsoncecilia.robinson Posts: 2,208
    edited December 1969

    I suggested tackling a real life school uniform to Wilmap some time ago, in September, I guess. She said she could try to do that as time allows her, so this will be a race between two great artists :lol:. I am eagerly awaiting both!

  • DogzDogz Posts: 898
    edited December 2014

    Ha! yes these clashes happens alot - Its one of the perils of this business I suppose.
    many of my products have ended up going head to head with a similar product released just before or after me.

    to name a few....
    Ballerina Assembly kit > (Ballerinas by Valea)
    Steel frame specs > (Spex by Slosh)
    East Asia for G2F > (Dial a girl toyko by Tengu 23)
    Mary Janes > (Goth strap shoes by Tent man)
    and on and on....

    Ill never forget the Spex/Specs incident, I remember getting a PM from Slosh with the subject; "Ruh-Ro Raggy" :D but it was ok for both us in the end. The market here isn't massive, but its usually big enough to absorb the odd conflict of interest. :)

    Post edited by Dogz on
  • ZarconDeeGrissomZarconDeeGrissom Posts: 5,412
    edited December 2014

    I'm not seeing a conflict of competing items here. We have one G2F school outfit that is a single piece, A romper for all intensive purposes, and this. A separate pleated skirt, and shirt. Tho I have not looked around much the past week or so.

    Dare I say, the next closest thing to a separate pleated skirt and shirt set, is in my gallery (A skirt for A4, poser only, that dose not work at all on G2F in Daz Studio). Hmmm, What competition.
    I look forward to both sets, as pleated items seam to be missing in my collection.

    Post edited by ZarconDeeGrissom on
  • JOdelJOdel Posts: 6,288
    edited December 1969

    Very nice indeed. Is there a morph to make the skirt longer? I know kids have traditionally hiked their skirts up as short as they can get away with, but I remember dress codes which insisted that the knees be covered.

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,876
    edited December 1969

    "Ruh-Ro" I just finished my homage to Dogz. Now I will obviously have to update it soon!

    RE: Specs and Spex - I have both. Both are good. There isn't that much overlap really.

  • DogzDogz Posts: 898
    edited December 1969

    JOdel said:
    Very nice indeed. Is there a morph to make the skirt longer? I know kids have traditionally hiked their skirts up as short as they can get away with, but I remember dress codes which insisted that the knees be covered.

    Afraid not, over knee skirts present a huge challenge to rig.- did i say challenge? I meant nightmare. very tricky to do and not end up with something either very limited or looking like 'melted wax' when you bend the knee.
    Easy enough to make Longer/shorter morph, although it tends to cause more problems that it solves, once you start posing the thighs to the extremes.

    if you ever wondered why skirts are often so short around here, its not always because everyone likes them skimpy (cant say i do much), the reason is more technical - the longer the skirt, the harder is it to rig well.

  • DogzDogz Posts: 898
    edited December 1969

    barbult said:
    "Ruh-Ro" I just finished my homage to Dogz. Now I will obviously have to update it soon!

    RE: Specs and Spex - I have both. Both are good. There isn't that much overlap really.

    Aww thank man, sorry i missed that one somehow...

  • JOdelJOdel Posts: 6,288
    edited December 1969

    Oh, I knew that the short skirts in the Poserverse were mainly because of rigging issues. But something that brushes the tops of the knees *sounds* like it ought not to cause too much of an issue. But then, I know nothing about rigging clothing items.

  • TimbalesTimbales Posts: 2,366
    edited December 1969

    I like it. Seems like the Harry Potter fans could easily make custom textures.

  • DogzDogz Posts: 898
    edited December 2014

    JOdel said:
    Oh, I knew that the short skirts in the Poserverse were mainly because of rigging issues. But something that brushes the tops of the knees *sounds* like it ought not to cause too much of an issue. But then, I know nothing about rigging clothing items.

    I'm trying to think back to when I made frivolous 40's, I really wanted that to 'brush the tops of the knees', as that was the true 40's style.
    I remember it being very problematic / ugly results or both - and having to reluctantly take the hem up abit :( I believe the problem lies when having any clothing items 'seam or end' placed over or too close too a joint, when it bends, things get fugly. This applies to ankles, elbows and wrists too.
    For the blazer Jacket above i used Joint Corrective Moprhs to make the shoulder pads stay in shape - you don't want to know what they would look like without them.

    Well anyway, just because i find it fiendishly hard, that doesn't mean it cannot be done - of course. but in what experience I have, I've found takes alot of work - and then some, when dealing with conforming.
    i think a dynamic solution would really the best way to get us all out of short skirt jail. :)

    Post edited by Dogz on
  • DaWaterRatDaWaterRat Posts: 2,885
    edited December 2014

    Nice. Looking forward to the G2M version too.

    Skirts at my daughter's school are supposed to be knee length. I have yet to see a single girl at that school (including my own, who only wears a skirt when it is too warm for slacks, so she's not doing it to show off her legs) actually have a skirt that long. ;)

    (I still think said skirts are too short, but now that I've had a chance to see uniform skirts in reality, I'm a little less cynical about it.)

    Are the patches with the school crest a separate material zone? (Not every school has crests on their blazers.)

    Post edited by DaWaterRat on
  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,876
    edited December 1969

    Mary Janes ????!!!!! I missed those when they came out. They would have been perfect for the little girls in my image. I had to leave them barefoot, because adult shoes just wouldn't look right. I ran right to the store now that you brought them to my attention. I now own my ninth Dogz product..

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,876
    edited December 1969

    Dogz said:
    barbult said:
    "Ruh-Ro" I just finished my homage to Dogz. Now I will obviously have to update it soon!

    RE: Specs and Spex - I have both. Both are good. There isn't that much overlap really.

    Aww thank man, sorry i missed that one somehow...
    Oh, by the way, I'm not a "man". I'm female. :)

  • ZarconDeeGrissomZarconDeeGrissom Posts: 5,412
    edited December 1969

    Embarrassing moments, I should have taken a hint from the avatar. I didn't know barbult, My apologies if I ever slipped.

    Bending at the knee, been there from the user end. One skirt took a dozed D-form things just to tame the balloon-knee. The other is a dynamic skirt that I am incredibly happy with. Just having difficulty with the control thing for it as a n00b.

    vs Dynamic skirt

    If only it was not dominated by V4 and older items. Some G2 items have appeared since my arrival at Daz3d. Trust me, there was nothing for genesis back in my first few month here. I am grateful that it is changing slowly, tho I 'm unsure how that PA vs OptiTex agreement thing works or not.

    Or is it the making of the Dynamic item that is near impossible?

  • nakamuram002nakamuram002 Posts: 795
    edited December 1969

    Is there a morph to make the skirt MUCH shorter and the shirt skin tight or tie-top?

  • DestinysGardenDestinysGarden Posts: 2,550
    edited December 1969

    TimG said:
    I like it. Seems like the Harry Potter fans could easily make custom textures.

    That was exactly the first thought I had when I first saw this outfit. We MUST have for the boys too. Slam dunk in the cart the instant it hits the store.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,260
    edited December 1969

    Dogz said:
    JOdel said:
    Oh, I knew that the short skirts in the Poserverse were mainly because of rigging issues. But something that brushes the tops of the knees *sounds* like it ought not to cause too much of an issue. But then, I know nothing about rigging clothing items.

    I'm trying to think back to when I made frivolous 40's, I really wanted that to 'brush the tops of the knees', as that was the true 40's style.
    I remember it being very problematic / ugly results or both - and having to reluctantly take the hem up abit :( I believe the problem lies when having any clothing items 'seam or end' placed over or too close too a joint, when it bends, things get fugly. This applies to ankles, elbows and wrists too.
    For the blazer Jacket above i used Joint Corrective Moprhs to make the shoulder pads stay in shape - you don't want to know what they would look like without them.

    Well anyway, just because i find it fiendishly hard, that doesn't mean it cannot be done - of course. but in what experience I have, I've found takes alot of work - and then some, when dealing with conforming.
    i think a dynamic solution would really the best way to get us all out of short skirt jail. :)
    ...I understand what you mean, I often see unrealistic bending on pants cuffs that just go beyond the ankle joint. Not so bothersome on Gen4 figures but with the weight mapped figures, it can look unnatural. Same for shirt and jacket cuffs that overlap the wrist joint.

  • DogzDogz Posts: 898
    edited December 2014

    Is there a morph to make the skirt MUCH shorter and the shirt skin tight or tie-top?

    Skirt can be made quite alot shorter via mat zones (find that this works better than a morph)
    Shirt - not exactly, but FBM expand all with negative values should do it, tie top morph would be impossible as the lower shirt is rigged to the hips and thighs etc, so weird stuff would happen to a tie top when you move those body parts. Morphs can only do so much.
    To be honest though it sounds like you need a different out fit :P
    Post edited by Dogz on
  • DogzDogz Posts: 898
    edited December 1969

    TimG said:
    I like it. Seems like the Harry Potter fans could easily make custom textures.

    That was exactly the first thought I had when I first saw this outfit. We MUST have for the boys too. Slam dunk in the cart the instant it hits the store.
    Boys version is about 50% done :)

  • FistyFisty Posts: 3,416
    edited December 1969

    You have to remove all weight influence of the shins and put it into the thighs.. and then make JCMs for when the shins are bent up and would clip through the skirt. It's not too bad.. Not "fun" but not a nightmare. Skirts lower than the knee are though, I agree.

  • DogzDogz Posts: 898
    edited December 2014

    @A fisty, from what I recall I did exactly that, what works and doesn't work is subjective, but my problem is that I'm a fussy git, and I want a skirt to be cable of alot more than just a wide assortment of standing poses. As much as possible (given the limitations) i want it to sit, kneel, lie down and all the rest.

    Here is the way I see it.
    JCM's help alot, (certainly without them Auto-follow just treats the skirt like its a pair of pants :P) but JCM's still only go so far in certain situations, particularly where skirts are concerned. For a longer skirt they are often just not enough to cover many of the possible movement combinations. And any clothing vendor will know, that the many pose sets available in the store will often tax conforming clothing to the limits!

    A JCM is still a just a morph, and being just a morph it can only carry verts from point A to point B via the most direct route.
    When a skirt moves it is far more complicated than that, the fabric doesn't just move from A to B in a straight line when the leg bends (as its a rotation.)
    So If i make a JCM that fits left thigh forward value of say -90, will it still be good for a left leg a value of -45 or -115 ? The answer largely depends on the skirts length and style, if its short and skin tight - it usually fairs reasonably well, but if not it will often look a bit odd at values that aren't a close match to the morph target (and you can only Freeze one per positive or negative input as a JCM).
    Especially true when you consider that you might have other rotations dialed in to the mix too, such as side to side or twist movements.
    Admittedly Daz has done wonders with adding collision and smoothing, these things help tremendously, but even so.....

    Give me any conforming skirt or dress, sold on this site (including my own) and I promise you I can find a way to break it, simply though posing. and by 'break it', I mean make it bend too awkwardly to render well, or make it appear as if its rigid or defying gravity etc.

    Conforming rigs are just not that well suited to anything that drapes. Dynamic is not with out its problems and limitations either, but i its still undoubtedly the future for all things drapery-wise, IMO there is no contest :)

    Post edited by Dogz on
  • DogzDogz Posts: 898
    edited December 1969

    barbult said:
    Dogz said:
    barbult said:
    "Ruh-Ro" I just finished my homage to Dogz. Now I will obviously have to update it soon!

    RE: Specs and Spex - I have both. Both are good. There isn't that much overlap really.

    Aww thank man, sorry i missed that one somehow...

    Oh, by the way, I'm not a "man". I'm female. :)

    Oops - then allow me to rephrase that as 'thank you madam'! :D

  • SimonJMSimonJM Posts: 5,999
    edited December 1969

    Dogz said:

    I'm trying to think back to when I made frivolous 40's, I really wanted that to 'brush the tops of the knees', as that was the true 40's style.
    I remember it being very problematic / ugly results or both - and having to reluctantly take the hem up abit :( I believe the problem lies when having any clothing items 'seam or end' placed over or too close too a joint, when it bends, things get fugly. This applies to ankles, elbows and wrists too.
    For the blazer Jacket above i used Joint Corrective Moprhs to make the shoulder pads stay in shape - you don't want to know what they would look like without them.

    Well anyway, just because i find it fiendishly hard, that doesn't mean it cannot be done - of course. but in what experience I have, I've found takes alot of work - and then some, when dealing with conforming.
    i think a dynamic solution would really the best way to get us all out of short skirt jail. :)

    I had not realised you'd done Frivolous 40s! I own more Dogz stuff that I thought! :) I may be biased but I think the girl on scene left loosk great in her jacket: http://fav.me/d87o8hw

    Back on topic, these uniforms look great and a male/female bundle would be spiffing! :)

  • WilmapWilmap Posts: 2,917
    edited December 1969

    I suggested tackling a real life school uniform to Wilmap some time ago, in September, I guess. She said she could try to do that as time allows her, so this will be a race between two great artists :lol:. I am eagerly awaiting both!

    Sorry but there won't be any race!!! I am still plodding through my list.

  • ThatGuyThatGuy Posts: 797
    edited December 1969

    The uniform look totally awesome. I shall wait for it to come out.

  • XenomorphineXenomorphine Posts: 2,421
    edited December 1969

    Not sure if this was based on UK styles, but it takes me right back to my school days in the eighties and nineties. I'm truly astonished at how realistic this is. Serious credit for your attention to aesthetic detail.

  • Beat578Beat578 Posts: 191
    edited December 1969

    Those look amazing Dogz.
    Your Wearables are always a "Must buy". Wish i would finally learn how to transform all my "Marvelous Designer" Cloth to real wearable cloth for DAZ Studio...
    Looking forward for thisone to come out. That would be the perfect outfit for my Holday Render Project.
    Thanks for all your cool Clothing!

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