Paypal embracing Crypto.
kyoto kid
Posts: 41,194
...not sure if anyone else received the email I that I did this morning from PayPal about becoming involved with Crypto with them. The title of of the email is "Discover Crypto with PayPal at your own pace". and mentions that people can buy and hold crypto through their service.
I had stopped using the service years ago due to a hack that occurred.
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Well, the cybercrimers need more ways to flip their doggycoins into real looty booty.
Yeah, hard pass here.
Yeah I also stopped using it years ago. But it's a shame that this virus is spreading across the globe. Only a matter of time before I have to stop using the internet...
Of course Paypal have jumped onto it. There's probably a lot of cash to be made from it... $o$
Although, I don't remember seeing that email. If I did, I probably rolled my eyes and deleted it.
All credit card processors, the internet, and forums are now on the blockchain.
I'm surprised this is only now happening.
I agree with Gordig. I think this stuff is going to spread like wildfire now.
Yep. It's like the people in charge never heard about that little thing called "subprime mortgage crisis." Because buying assets with no intrinsic value on the assumption their price will keep rising has always worked so well...
Crashing the entire system is necessary for the Great Reset.
I just want a damn GPU.
You mean there's no button under the North Pole ice that says "Restore to Factory Settings"...
No, that's the Make Art button. Don't press it!
I think we've been after the same GPU; it's been weeks since I've heard about any legitimate stock. Nothing but eBay scalpers and $3500+ price tags.
Now Chia is going to be chewing through SSDs in a matter of weeks, too.
I can't adequately express my complete and utter hatred of crypto with the vocabulary I'm permitted here.
Yep, the GPU shortage is infuriating and I always root against cryptocurrency too.
People: "The market is too volatile! The dollar can't be trusted!"
Also people: "I'm putting all my savings into a stupid meme coin that can fall 30% in one day if a billionaire manchild tweets about it! To the moon!"
Well, with cryptomining adding to climate change, we'll find out soon enough.
It's odd that lots of the companies getting involved in this stuff also have stuff invested in space travel.
So making the planet less nice to live on is probably a long term strategy..
Closing this as it is taking detours into politics and so on.