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I heard this one the first time while driving, almost fell out of my car at Tonto's message to The Lone Ranger.
Might make a good animation - a boat, a horse, a couple of cowboys, Tonto ...
he wants to marry Roy Rogers?
beautiful voice.
song is about chess?
this song has been a guilty pleasure for over 40 years,lol
An oldie that has memorable lyrics ... at least for me. Carpe Diem ...
I'm reading a book by a writer/professor on the subject of stories and why they are such a big part of civilization. He tells a story about his car radio starting a country song, which he hates. But before he could change the station, he started listening, then started crying and had to pull over. The story would make a good animation plot for the "Coming Of Age" genre in the 48 Hour contest. Another would be a personal favorite, "Bob Dylan's Dream".
i got all emotional yesterday. hearing the bonjovi song 'livin on a prayer'
"you live for the fight when its all that you got"
824 million views. I fold.
bon jovi is a new jersey boy. several million people there. lol
they prolly all watching bruce springstein too
lol fun song. i know a couple of lil miss cant be wrongs.
songs of sanctuary, sure theres a story in here somewhere.
Very good, uplifting, had me thinking of this:
And sure enough:
Genesis-The Lamia
The Lamia - Genesis - Lyrics - YouTube
not sure how you make the image link...
Very good, and impressive graphics by Suzie M.
I mentioned this in another discussion, but its an example of an animation literally inspired by a great song.
I've always liked this song.... mainly because when he says Gitchee goomie
I also like the song, but there are a LOT of people who do not. It even made humorist Dave Barry's "Bad Song Survey": "There was also a solid vote for Gordon Lightfoot's 'The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald', a real fun party song. Several voters singled out the line: 'As the big freighters go, it was bigger than most'." (Just to mention it, I think this particular Barry column got way more responses than any other column. Some people REALLY hate some songs, more than this one.)