What's up with VOOTW?

So I see there's a new character by VOOTW up today (https://www.daz3d.com/vo-mieko-for-genesis-81-females). There have been a few, but they soon disappear from the store. Today's description even refers back to one of these unavailable figures. So, I am curious: are these only available for a limited time by design? Why are VOOTW items so often "blink and you'll miss them"?
Post edited by mr clam on
yep, very odd indeed. It's nice to see that meiko had head and body morphs when the older missing figures were single full body morphs only.
Oh, there's a history of them disappearing? Hmm, maybe I'll have to pick it up before that happens then as I really like Meiko.
The figure I referenced above just showed up as part of a new bundle; since it's a DO, it doesn't have the crazy price tags I've seen in other items from the vendor. Perhaps this one will stick around for a while?
Also interested what is going on with products from this vendor:
Today, "Vo Mieko" was released with a rather high price tag for a charater.
Later, "Vo Xiao Mei" was released with the AAPI bundle as DAZ original. Got bundle and character. It reads "VO Xiao Mei for Genesis 8 and 8.1 Females" but the character does only support 8.1 as far as I can see. There is only one full MAT which does not properly apply to G8F. Also there is strangly just a full body morph no separate head and body morphs. Also I don't get near the promos with the character.
Earlier "Vo Rose for Genesis 8.1 Female" was relased. I bought that product and have it still in my library but it is gone from the store.
All in all a bit strange.
The "Vo Xiao Mei" shape gets auto-loaded with every Genesis 8.1 figure (I installed the character via DIM). Are others also noticing this? Is this something that will be noticed and fixed without needing a support ticket?
I am really going to stop purchasing characters if these kinds of mistakes keep getting thru QnA. It's happening way to often these days.
Thanks for the heads up.
She loads fine for me. I installed through DIM as well and when I go to shapes I see VO Xiao Mei Body, Head, neck length, neck size, and eyelash stuff. Wonder what's happening in your system.
The problem is not that Xiao Mei isn't loading, but rather that she gets applied automatically to 8.1F. Load the base G8.1F and tell me whether or not she loads with Xiao Mei's morphs.
Oh! You're right, I just tried it and she loads with the 8.1F figure. Sorry, I misunderstood originally. It's ridiculous that this happens and it needs to get fixed on their end, but if you didn't say this I never would have known this was an issue as I've loaded the base character maybe once in five years.
Typically problems like this infect the entire generation. Load up a different 8.1F character. Do you still see Xiao Mei?
Sigh, loaded up Seo Hyun 8.1 and Jacqueline 8.1 and Xiao Mei's dialed in to both. I guess I'll just uninstall Xiao Mei and file a ticket.
And now CS will have to deal with dozens of preventable tickets because of this issue.
The Xiao Mei character morph is set to a value of 1 in the main character morph file (CTRL Vo Xiao Mei.dsf), it should be set to a default 0 which is then changed by the character preset file when loading it into scene.
This is the reason the morph applies itself to every G8.1F model you load up.
Additionally the character preset only seem to load the head morph, obviously it should load and set both the main character morph as well as the body morph to a value of 1 (100%).
Post used to include two edited files which adresses these issues, but since it's apparently not allowed to post vendor files, not even incomplete, I'll direct you to the instructions by Gordig down below. Alternatively you can edit 'CTRL Vo Xiao Mei.dsf' by opening it in 7zip or similar and edit the textfile within.
File removed
Works. Thank you, Stellan.
Customers do not have the right to post vendor files in the Daz forum. You'd better delete that zip file ASAP.
Here's how to solve the Xiao Mei problem:
Yes, this shouldn't be necessary, and the file should be fixed, but this will let you use base G8.1F without having to dial her out every time.
I filed a ticket the other day on this and customer support emailed me back saying they are going to get this fixed. So they're now on it and hopefully an update will arrive soon!
Thanks for giving a bypass for this issue
An alternate way to do this is with Notepad++ or whatever your favorite text editor is. In this situation, do not open Daz.
1. Navigate to the data folder location as described in step 4 above.
2. Use any decrompression tool to unzip the CTRL Vo Xiao Mei DSF, for example, 7zip.
3. Now right click on this new unzipped file and choose to open with your text editor.
4. Change line 32 to "0" as described in step 6 above.
5. Save the file.
6. Delete the old DSF file.
7. Rename the file you just saved to give it the .dsf extension.
8. Now the file is ready to use, so victory.
This does the exact same thing, but this option allows you to fix files without opening Daz. DSF's are not encrypted, they are only compressed, so any decompression software will enable you to edit them. You can always use whichever method you feel more comfortable with.
Any news on an update to https://www.daz3d.com/vo-xiao-mei-for-genesis-8-and-81-females
Title says "for Genesis 8.1 Females", but description says "for Genesis 8 and 8.1 Females".
If this product is not for both Gen 8 and 8.1, then somebody messed up.
13 days ago I got a response that it is a known issue and a bug report was submitted and they would let me know as soon as it was fixed. I hope this doesn’t go on as long as the same issue Zilpha had that lasted over 6 months! I wish Ihad downloaded the posted fix file before it was removed. How is it that a customer could fix it quickly yet tech support can’t? I have five open cases to tech support. One is a year old, one is two years old. The other three are 8-13 days old.
There is an update in DIM today. There is no release notes or update information, so I compared the old and new archives and found that these files had been changed:
IM00081702-01_VOXiaoMeiforGenesis8and81Females\Content\data\DAZ 3D\Genesis 8\Female\Morphs\VOOTW\Vo Xiao Mei\CTRL Vo Xiao Mei.dsf
IM00081702-01_VOXiaoMeiforGenesis8and81Females\Content\data\DAZ 3D\Genesis 8\Female\Morphs\VOOTW\Vo Xiao Mei\FBM Vo Xiao Mei.dsf
IM00081702-01_VOXiaoMeiforGenesis8and81Females\Content\data\DAZ 3D\Genesis 8\Female\Morphs\VOOTW\Vo Xiao Mei\FHM Vo Xiao Mei.dsf
IM00081702-01_VOXiaoMeiforGenesis8and81Females\Content\data\DAZ 3D\Genesis 8\Female\Morphs\VOOTW\Vo Xiao Mei\PBM Vo Xiao Mei Navel.dsf
IM00081702-01_VOXiaoMeiforGenesis8and81Females\Content\data\DAZ 3D\Genesis 8\Female\Morphs\VOOTW\Vo Xiao Mei\Vo Xiao Mei Eye Closed L.dsf
IM00081702-01_VOXiaoMeiforGenesis8and81Females\Content\data\DAZ 3D\Genesis 8\Female\Morphs\VOOTW\Vo Xiao Mei\Vo Xiao Mei Eye Closed R.dsf
IM00081702-01_VOXiaoMeiforGenesis8and81Females\Content\data\DAZ 3D\Genesis 8\Female\Morphs\VOOTW\Vo Xiao Mei\Vo Xiao Mei Lashes.dsf
IM00081702-01_VOXiaoMeiforGenesis8and81Females\Content\data\DAZ 3D\Genesis 8\Female 8_1\Morphs\VOOTW\Vo Xiao Mei\CTRL Vo Xiao Mei.dsf
IM00081702-01_VOXiaoMeiforGenesis8and81Females\Content\data\DAZ 3D\Genesis 8\Female 8_1\Morphs\VOOTW\Vo Xiao Mei\FBM Vo Xiao Mei.dsf
IM00081702-01_VOXiaoMeiforGenesis8and81Females\Content\data\DAZ 3D\Genesis 8\Female 8_1\Morphs\VOOTW\Vo Xiao Mei\FHM Vo Xiao Mei.dsf
IM00081702-01_VOXiaoMeiforGenesis8and81Females\Content\data\DAZ 3D\Genesis 8\Female 8_1\Morphs\VOOTW\Vo Xiao Mei\Vo Xiao Mei Eye Closed L.dsf
IM00081702-01_VOXiaoMeiforGenesis8and81Females\Content\data\DAZ 3D\Genesis 8\Female 8_1\Morphs\VOOTW\Vo Xiao Mei\Vo Xiao Mei Eye Closed R.dsf
IM00081702-01_VOXiaoMeiforGenesis8and81Females\Content\data\DAZ 3D\Genesis 8\Female Eyelashes\Morphs\VOOTW\Vo Xiao Mei\Vo Xiao Mei Lashes.dsf
IM00081702-01_VOXiaoMeiforGenesis8and81Females\Content\People\Genesis 8 Female\Characters\Vo Xiao Mei.duf
IM00081702-01_VOXiaoMeiforGenesis8and81Females\Content\People\Genesis 8 Female\Characters\VOOTW\g8\Vo Xiao Mei 8 FullBody Apply.duf
IM00081702-01_VOXiaoMeiforGenesis8and81Females\Content\People\Genesis 8 Female\Characters\VOOTW\g8\Vo Xiao Mei Lashes Apply.duf
IM00081702-01_VOXiaoMeiforGenesis8and81Females\Content\People\Genesis 8 Female\Characters\VOOTW\g8\Vo Xiao Mei Lashes Remove.duf
IM00081702-01_VOXiaoMeiforGenesis8and81Females\Content\People\Genesis 8 Female\Characters\VOOTW\g8\Vo Xiao Mei Navel Apply.duf
IM00081702-01_VOXiaoMeiforGenesis8and81Females\Content\People\Genesis 8 Female\Characters\VOOTW\g8\Vo Xiao Mei Navel Remove.duf
Based on this, it would appear that the issues have been worked on. I haven't tested the new archive to confirm.
Got a response back from the help ticket I submitted a little while back, and I just tested Vo Xiao Mei now. She now loads in as she should and doesn't affect the base figure. :-)
Yes, separate morph injections were made for the Genesis 8 version from the Genesis 8.1 version, but still only one Actor preset (it's 8.1). The orignal morph injections (for 8.1, now redundant) are still in place, and the metadata for the new morph injections is completely absent.
VO Rose (no longer in the store) got an update, but I've no idea what changed. I had no issue with the character and got no response to my ticket inquiry, so skipping the update.
Just bought a character from this vendor. The character looks absolutely nothing like the promo character, and when sliding the body and head morph to see how the character changes shape, the sliders do nothing. Either the product is broken or the vendor is shady. Many of the characters on the shop look very similar to one another, with significant change coming from choice of clothes, hairstyle, and makeup, rather than the character itself. I don't know what's going on, but I am sure to write a ticket to see my money back on this product, and will avoid this vendor in the future.
Ah, thank you. I had a hide ears morph that was always set at 0.0010% on G9. The first thing I always did on a new G9 figure was to change the min limit to 0 (it was set to that same number) and then slide it out. If I didn't do that, then I knew it was there and it simply ate away at my brain. Now I don't have to
And agree on this vendor. It's as if each character is an evolution on the next, akin to relasing a character different from the last by a single morph slider and a few brushes across the textures. I suspect more time is spent on rendering promos. Or I hope that's the case and that it's not a serious afliction of default artist face.
I apparently have three VOOTW products. One I know well - Renata Fall Sick, bought for the skin, which I've used and like. Then a G8 and a G9. There are one or two more distinctive characters in their store that I once thought about on ocassion. It's not that the rest are low quality characters, it's just that many of them could be the same character on a different day, and that, for me, leads to a quality problem for the store. One of those artists I now skip, and incresingly representative of the store in general. Makes me look at other stores.
Heh, I'm a grumpy so and so this past day.