Architectural Lighting Rig | Commercial |

Architectural Lighting Rig is a wide variety of lights that are parented to a non-rendering prop that can easily be scaled to fit any interior or exterior structure. Did you just buy a new scene and can’t wait to explore it, but the lights are out? Have a previously made scene where the figure is lit perfectly but the background and foreground lack light and shadow depth?
Many promos to showcase this product! As with Rim Light Rig- I had all kinds of fun composing and rendering new scenes.
One feature I'd like to highlight is that this set includes adjustment shaders for wood and stone. These add a specular and gloss quality to surfaces that really bring Architectural Lighting Rig into full function. These shaders do not include maps.
Please do- post any questions, comments or renders here!

I really like the look of this one, but I'm not sure my poor low-end puter could handle eighteen lights in one scene. I'm tempted though. Looking at the 'What's Included and Features' bit on the product page, it seems to be showing what's included with the rim lighting product instead. Meanwhile, what's included with this product looks to be showing on the rim lighting product page as far as I can tell. I could well be seeing things, but if not then I imagine you'd want to get that fixed.
Thanks dclane! That mixup does make things confusing. I sent a note to marketing to make the correction.
I can see all those lights and the time to render being a very realistic concern. The default set up for both of these light sets is to give maximum quality renders to all surfaces. If your architectural scene does not show a full room I have some added details-
Architectural Lighting Rig has 18 lights total, 8 of which are specular lights which do not have shadows turned on so those will not affect render time. Depending on the complexity of the scene you may be able to delete a few of the lights if you are only rendering the corner of a room or a 3/4 of a room with simple lighting.
Rim Light Rig has 17 lights and if you don't mind losing the shine/highlights on specular surfaces or having a fill light you can delete all of the specular lights (as these have shadows turned on) and the UE2. This set up can give you faster renders and they will actually be a more dramatic.
I thoroughly tested these sets and found that certain scenes did not need all of the lights. It really depends on your composition (for ALR) and if your main subject has a strong enough profile to not need specular or ambient light (for RLR).
I caved in and bought the Architectural Lighting Rig earlier, and am pleased to report that not only does my computer have no trouble handing all those lights after all, they also render surprisingly quickly too. The attached image has it's fair share of flaws (none of which are the fault of the ALR) but I thought I'd post this one because not only are all the ALR lights on (too idle to turn the unnecessary ones off at the time!), there are even two additional spotlights by the door of the building which I chucked in myself.
I can almost hear my PC crowing about how I have underestimated it. It'll be back to business as usual as soon as I attempt to populate the scene with more than one figure :)
Thanks for posting dclane! Good to hear about your computer- that all those lights didn't give it trouble.
There is a nice mood to this image with the lights you added and the glow from the windows. If you are interested in another render- I would like to see one of the ALR spotlights pointing down from the light attached to the arch (on the right). There is a chance you could catch a reflection in that puddle just below it. It's tricky though, it would have to be subtle - I can see your main focus is the entrance.
This scene reminds me- I created a couple night images with ALR and found that the cool color wall lights could work as moonlight if the parent group was moved hi up and away from the scene. Sometimes it helped to use Paramaters/Misc/Point At to quickly point all of the wall spotlights towards one area.
PLEASEEEEEEEE make this for Iray if you can? thatd be awesome! I hope more lighting products come out soon for iray that is geared towards enviromental lighting and not just portrait lighting :-). I never used this myself by saw the screenshots and were amazed and sad at the same time as it would likely be useless for iray at this point. and i just love using iray so much ;-)
This is a great idea and I'm looking into it. Some of the functionality will change but at the core it will still have the same ease of use and beautiful results. I'll cook up a render....
ALR and Iray used on the South Beach Deco set. The tree is from Country Dining Room. I'll have an answer about this update/conversion in about a week. Looks very promising!
Neat! It seems very funtional. Very good idea. :)
Good News! My brother and I are moving ahead on this project. We have so many new features that this will be a brand new product instead of an update for the 3Delight version. I cant wait for all of you to see what we have done.
stand by.....
Now that's just teasing!!!! I'm already excited and would like to throw my money at you yesterday for it now!!!!
My brother and I are working hard updating ALR for Iray and it may not be ready in time for the PA sale. It has some amazing features but we can't sacrifice quality (and rush it out) for the sale.
We are including 6 light props this time- 3 sconces and 3 recessed can lights that can be used on the floor, ceiling, or inside cabinets.
well, back to work!
This is no problem at all!! Sacrificing quality just isn't worth it, better to release a quality product you're happy with :)
The Iray version is now available! It has many upgrades beyond the original presets! Architectural Lighting Rig for Iray
It looks good :)
Personally I feel that an in-depth tutorial PDF would make it easier to use.
These are fantastic!...I love them and they render so quickly.....I also picked up kaleidoscope but can't make heads or tails of there a tutorial somewhere for kaleidoscope as it looks like so much fun and right now I can't work out how to play;)
Shanina, Hi again! Thank you. Have you reviewed the ReadMe? You can access it throught the DIM, the comercial thread post for the product....and right here (there is a PDF to download): If you have more questions about Kaleidoscope post in that thread and I'll pick 'em right up.
I'm happy to help with anything specific. What else would you like to know? The set is primarily based on scaling the rig and pointing spotlights.
Marshian, I haven't as yet but will, loving the results used them instead of the default lights with Chapel, 2900 x 2200, 30 mins, no p/work and I'll read the pdf as I've noted your change in max samples/time, didn't use them in this test but either way the grain would be minor touchup in ps so I'm really happy:)
Very nice Shanina- the pose, lighting, camera angle, composition, all of it really. Thanks for posting.
Hey Marshain. I've got something -weird- going on with my 3DL version of ALR. Maybe you can tell me what silly thing i'm missing? I'm using 4.9, 3DL generic render settings, on a sample scene with the ALR only used for lighting. It's with G2 figures and I'm having 2 things happen. On the first scene I tried G2Ms skin has gone poof (Gianni 6 w Atticus nothing changed). I tried it with both Club settings and Bright settings.
The second picture i'm losing the satin textures off of the studio cloth behind her if I use ALR. I realize lighting changes the over all look but I don't remember this happening ot me in 4.8. In both instances when I delete the lights and use a basic headlamp they render fine. I double checked that I was using the correct version of ALR since I own both. It's probably something really silly I overlooked, but I be stumped.
For the first one...that looks an awful lot like the AoA SSS shader messing up. Check, in the Surfaces tab, up at the top, to see which shader is being used. And if it is the AoA shader, look in the temp folder for a Brickyard subfolder...delete the contents of it. Then try another render.
HI Vhardamis- The first one is not related to ALR but I have seen that before and is usually fixed by reapplying material presets. The second one is a head scratcher- the first image looks more like a working view screencap as the light on the figure has no shadows or occlusion (from UE2). I would say- try some new lights to rule out ALR (I dont think it's the problem here either). ALR includes specular spotlights so all of your glossy & shiny surfaces should look great.
The second image- the figure looks much better but if you want the backdrop to be shiny I would give it a white (or very light green) specular color and adjust the glossy channel to about halfway.
Thanks for the help guys. Thats what I get for working on stuff so late. My brain was stuck on why is this happening when i add the lights >..<