Folder Placement Question
Posts: 714
When I attempt to load an alien shell onto a G8M- or load the new figure directly (it seems to have a stand-alone option for the figure)- I get the 'missing files' message, and nothing happens.
(I noticed that the runtime folder in this 3rd-party figure, is visible in the tree, but doesn't lead anywhere.)
The product is for G8M-G8F.
So where do I place the extracted files, so that they will work in Daz?
851 x 395 - 52K
402 x 435 - 31K
552 x 491 - 38K
Post edited by dash2128 on
The product will have a folder structure for Poser or DAZ Studio. If it starts off with Runtime (or maybe MyLibrary or Content then /Runtime), and then sub-folders geometries, libraries, textures (and maybe others) it is in Poser format. If it has folders like data, people, runtime (maybe under a Content or MyLibrary folder), it is in Studio format.
The folder structure can deal with both in the same place, but they must align to function properly. Runtime from one format must be in the same place as Runtime from the other format.
The top-level Library folder is where you would drop the product folders. Try to avoid vanity folder names if the rest of the product's folders follow the "standard". If you have a runtime folder, use that runtime folder. If you have a data folder, use that data folder. Everything should line up properly in the product archive. If the product has a top level folder named Content, or MyLibrary, don't use them, as they are intended to be equivalent to the Library root folder.
Now, it looks like you have not properly defined the Library for DAZ Studio formats and Poser Formats. The data and runtime folders should not be visible in Studio. In the Content Directory Manager, change the path you have defined to point to the root folder where the next level folders are located. For DAZ Studio, it is the folder you use for installation (you didn't specify DIM, DAZ Central, Connect...) and should be the one with Animals, Environments, People, Vehicles, etc.. For Poser, it is the folder that contains the Runtime folder. If you use one location, the two should be the same, since DAZ Studio uses the Runtime folder for textures, at least.
Hello, Thanks for replying! And with needed information!
I extracted the product files into a new file that I placed in a folder reserved for products like this.
Then I opened it through 'Preferences>Content>Content Directory Manager>Poser Formats'. This usually works, unless- as you noted- the Runtime folder is visible, in which case, it usually doesn't.
And the whole tree did start with 'MyLibrary'.
I did attempt to drop a recombined folder into a place or two, which...sometimes does the trick. But not this time. I must not be placing the folder in the correct folder, so that it will run. ('Runtime' isn't usually good to see, when I'm setting up a product to run in DazStudio.)
DStudio (and MyLibrary) seem to be in several locations, on this computer, so it's a bit of a puzzle for me.
DAZ Studio sets up a default library folder (C:/Users/Public/Documents/My DAZ 3D Library), which you can use, or not. You can make another wherever you want (many use a separate internal or external drive). There will be a folder in Program Files for the DAZ Studio program, and associated files, that you do not touch, and do not use to store files. Plugins and scripts might go there, but not manually, there will be a standalone installation program to deal with that.
All of your content can go in one library. Some users choose to create a separate library to keep third-party content that doesn't install with one of the automated methods (DIM, Central, Connect). Whatever you choose, the Library will have a structure that you must respect when adding content manually. Basically, maintain the entire folder structure from the zip file under any "Content" or "MyLibrary" folders so that the files fall into their proper place. Attached is how an idealized folder structure would look like for a content library with both DAZ Studio and Poser formats.
Thank you!
I will look over it, and get to know it better.
You will find many other folders that are used for Poser content that will not show up in the Content Library, like folders of morph files under Libraries, or all sorts of miscellaneous folders in Runtime. The Poser format content has a very strict folder policy, and only those are visible in the Library. DAZ Studio is more forgiving, but leads to a proliferation of vanity folders, mis-spelled folders attempting to fit in, or poorly structured folder hierarchies going in all directions.