Asking for volunteers to render awsome images.

Not really sure how this would go, but I'm looking for people who can use a high detail model that is resource intensive, and make awesome production renders with it. Just about everything you can think of on this model is mobile. From the cargo and troop ramps, to the engines and guns, to the seats in the cockpit. It has a limited inside though, just a stop gap for time and resources. Current texture count sits around 40 for a fully loaded figure. Current count for bones is 175, not including those that are used for basic groupings. (Engine assembly groups, missile door groups, turret groups, etc.) This vessel of mine is designed and intended to be a heavily armed home. Before you ask, internals and additional textures are coming, I just have not gotten to it yet.
I am asking this for a simple reason. My computer is old, and the renderer in DAZ studio doesn't like my ship on my computer. Too heavy of a memory draw. I can only really manage one or two lights with this ship, which is a shame.
EDIT: This product, without the pose or character files, IE the mesh and textures alone is 135 MB. Its... well a bit of a beasty.
(If this is not the right place for this thread, feel free to move it.)

I wish I was good enough, awesome looking machine.
Poll removed as we do not allow them without prior agreement from the forum team.
Oh, oops. My mistake on the poll then.
Sorry for the double post, but to the two who responded via PM, I am not sure if my responses have gotten through to you at all, or if this site reads it as 'sent' when its received. The links for the files are available, I'd just like to get a response from you two first before I send them.
I will give it a go - pm me a link to download from .
Do you have any examples for me to see?
sure - link
I apologize Bigh. You're work is not what I'm looking for for a high quality promo piece.
Just sent a PM but not sure if it got through :question:
If you want a copy of PMs to show in your sent folder then you need to tick the box under the typing panel. It is off by default. It needs to be checked every time you send a PM, it doesn't remain ticked.
D'oh :red:
Thanks for the clarification, chohole :)
Angel take a look at my render thread and see if you like what I do. Either way no problem.
I hope we can eventually get see that ship in the store... Can't express my love enough for multiple articulated turrets. :)
I think you could do some pretty good ones from your other renders I've seen
I think you could do some pretty good ones from your other renders I've seenThanks for the vote of confidence, that warms the heart a little on a cold day. :)
you could try approaching artists who meet your standards offering them the model for free in return for a promo render rather than asking in the general forum and getting all the stragglers replying.
you calling me a straggler Wendy? I am shocked and upset that you would think that...
....ok I am not really. :P
Bandit, you have some awesome people renders, but I do not believe it is what I am looking for. I already have two I've accepted, and Szark you'll be the third. Thank you all for the response, it is appreciated GREATLY. And yes. Multiple articulated turrets, six big ones, twelve single gun turrets. Now to think of a vender name... How is that done exactly? Well, registering it anyway...
Thanks PM replied to.
If you look in the Knowledge Base (accessed through HELP at the top of the forum page) you have a number of topic regarding becoming a PA as to your vendor name well that is up to you. :)
In the product page, are we allowed to use Youtube videos we made?
I would help but with it being so close to Christmas I do not know how much time I have. It looks cool. Love space related stuff.
Some DAZ product pages have embedded YouTube videos, if you submit to the store you would need to discuss that. It wouldn't, however, remove the need for strong 2D promo images.
Of course, I already have plans in mind for those. Thank you for the response.