A Handy Tip
Posts: 7,500
Maybe this will encourage others tips but I had to share this because it has saved me so much time since I discovered it.
When I have several characters in a scene and they all have dForce clothes, I often want to simulate one and leave the others as they were. The way I did that was to select the character and hide with the little eye icon. However, that would not hide everything on the character so I had to drill down and hide those bits individually.
Then I discovered that CTRL-Left Click on the litte eye icon will hide the chracter and anything fitted to her. The same action again will un-hide her.
thank's cool
Excellent! Thank you!
Yes, all the times I wished I could write scripts to do things like this. A whole career in computer support and I probably only ever wrote 4 or 5 Unix shell scripts in all that time. Just not my thing, I'm sorry to say.
Another one I use a lot is holding down ALT (Windows) when dragging a figure into the scene. A marker appers in the scene which you can move with the ALT key held down and then you can place your figure on that spot.
I think a lot of people know that one by now but I only found it relatively recently. Also, it is not always reliable - sometimes your object ends up way off the mark.