Loaded a Deformer and Morphs, and now can't Pose model.
Hello anyone who can help. I have searched the forums but didnt find what I was looking for.
I was creating some avatars from real world specs. I am fairly new to Daz, so after doing this, I started looking around and found I had this victoria model, and I wanted to see what she looked like. It added a character and I played with it for a bit, then deleted it, and kept working with my Genesis 8 female. Now everything looked fine, until I got to the posing part of my project. When suddenly moving joints started to really skew the model. I only noticed it in the hands but it seems to be pretty much everywhere if I move or bend too much I get weird stretching. Uploading some screenshots of hands before move, and hands after move. This is just the hand grasp slider...
Is there a way to remove the morphs without resetting my character and going back to the beginning? Would appreciate any help.
That looks like a morph which hasn't had joint adjustments added. Which morphs are you using? Are you just setting them from the sldiers?
I didnt want to use deformers or morphs, I just loaded them to see what they were, and now I cant pose this character or the other one that I created off of this one.
I want to keep all the shapes and sizing I already created but be able to pose without these weird noodle issues. Its like when I loaded the deformer or morphs it disconnected all the joines or.... removed the boundaries or something... i dont know.
I did load a head deformer but did nothing with it, and I loaded victoria morphs.
thanks again for any help
Adjust rigging to shape
Hey appreciate the comment. I am a total noob...
could you quickly just like tell me how to do that? Just like, go to View - Person - Adjust rigging - add to shape
or whatever, dont feel like you need to add pictures, unless its super complicated.
Nevermind figured it out....
but it doesnt work. I have everything in the scene selected, it goes throught he process and then... it still gets crinkle fingers.
Any other ideas?
Edit->Figure->Rigging->Adjust rigging to shape, just press ok at the dialog
know any reason why that wouldnt work?
That was the only thing that came to mind, and it usually helps with characters that have been sized and morphed to a degree that fingers start doing that when posing.
If there are no morphs applied then you may need tor estore the rigging, rather than adjust it, which is in the right-click menu when Tools>Joint editor tool is active.
thanks richard,
so I did waht you said, and I saw the bones move and adjust, but then when I do the hand grasp I see the bones move correctly, but the mesh still continues to be noodles... here is an image.
any further ideas?
If you zero the pose (Edit>Figure>Zero>Zero Figure Pose) do the bones line up with the mesh?
no... no they do not.... that is so weird..... right? like... its weird. Think ill just screenshot all of the sliders and just restart. Lets see if a totally new character will have the same issues.
So I figured out that when I edit the YScale by clicking the lock button to unlock, and setting that to 95.5, that breaks the ability to pose without the noodle hands.
IS there a way around this? I tried to reset rigging to current form but nothing changed? it still has noodle hands.... Maybe I am doing something wrong when applying rigging to current form?
Scaling the bone lengths does often have unwanted concequences.
If you study the height/length morphs. The ones that never have any problems, are not scaling the bones but redefining the start and end points in stead, where the morphs that are taking the easy way out by scaling the bone lengths quite often result in hairs and clothing not fitting properly of fingers doing what you see.