the g8m gens, geometry swapping?

i saved a preset for the uncircumsized version, but in carrara it's not showing that way.
theres no shader domains, so it's not transparency.
has anybody figured it out?
sigh. and making pelvis invisible takes out more polies than it should.
Post edited by Mistara on
That’s a hard one. Have to admit i have never played with g8’s gens.
so much in you endo right there
my first time trying em too. it has convenient morphs more than i expected. a lot more than the female version
i tried preset, subset, saving shaders with the preset.
out of the mouths of babes in arms! I took a leaf from grouch marx ;)
good luck, it's hard to see what is wrong without images
in ds he has an option of circumsized or un. carrara not showing the option. it's an on/off parameter, no morph dial.
just my luck isn't the option i wanted.
he's missing his sweater. hows he gonna keep warm?
ha ha,
can you select the offending part in the instances tab and click visibility?