Released : Amazing Skins For The Minotaur 6HD [Commercial]

Wow, the text is long and I don't feel like reading : In brief, what should I retain of all the text?
1. You will render much faster, and without the initial render freeze.
2. You will access an incredible variety of skins with a lot of presets already made for you. If you feel like you can also tweak manually in terms of color, SSS and gloss (specular) through the surface tab if you want to.
3. You will access the smart shaders of all the skin presets, allowing you to apply the skin presets to absolutely anything having a surface in DAZ (any people surfaces, any object or outfit surfaces).
Now in details :.
Minotaur 6 HD is a wonderful creature, but since it is HD, it becomes so long to render, with a HUGE freeze at start! Is there a solution to that? Yes :
Amazing Skins for the Minotaur 6 HD will allow you to render this figure faster, let's say 4 times faster (you may have much nicer surprises depending on your light sets).
But it also renders without the initial render freeze, meaning that it is much easier to configure your scene since you see immediately the result, without having to wait long minutes for the first pixel of Minotaur to appear.
Are there any other advantages of using the Amazing Skins? Yes, of course, you will benefit all the advantages of Amazing Skins it term of flexibility of skin set-up, since now you can totally tweak the new Hue, Saturation and Value (H, S, V) of the colors of the maps it relies on thanks to the use of the primary HSV Dials integrated directly in the surface tab. You can combine them to a secondary HSV set of dials, this second one allowing you to change directly the Hue Saturation and Value (Brightness) of the surface once all the other skins component have been calculated.
What are these other components?
You benefit of a real BRDF model for the skin, for which you can dial directly and independently the horizontal and vertical size, as well as the strength, of the Specular component , so that you define perfectly the gloss of the skin. (you can even double click presets of size and strength to gain time). You benefit of two layers of SSS, the main (somehow more linked to specular) and the deep (somehow more linked to the diffuse), for which you can define the amount of scatter the skin thickness (repartition of scatter) and the coverage of the sheen (repartition of sheen).
Of course you can adjust the color of all these components and of their subcomponents.
How does it work?
You don't feel like customising the skins characteristics yourself? No issue, you have plenty of both classical and fantasy presets already built up and ready to use to render the Minotaur as you imagine it, as well as eyes tools and gloss tools.
You have 3 different versions of applying the presets :
- if you are using the full minotaur (or any minotaur using the Minotaur Legs) the presets are hierarchical materials applying on the human part of the minotaur and the special Legs, the tail, and the horns simultaneously, when they exist.
- If you are using the Human version of the minotaur, you have materials which will apply only on the human parts of it.
- In any case, if you add the horns or genitals for instance you have the smart shader versions of all the skins presets and tools (leaves all your maps intact).
Having smart shaders? Is it good news?
Yes! This time I managed to create and include the smart shaders and this is a GREAT news!
Smart shaders apply to surfaces, and apply only the shader base (gives access to the additional dials), the color definitions, the specular (and environment map reflection) caracteristics, meaning that you can apply them EVERYWHERE you want, this will leave all your maps and UV sets intact, and only add the additional caracteristics required. When I mean everywhere, this can be not only minotaur parts, but also ANY figure you own (V4, M4, GENESIS...), ANY prop, ANY outfit! You just have to select the surfaces you want and double click the smart shaders!
Anything else ?
- Ooops, I almost forgot : you also have 8 high quality lights sets included, for faster scene setup. 4 for large scale, 4 more focused on the figure. But of course it will work with any light set!
- You also benefit a strong pdf and video documentation related to amazing skins in general, but which will work for this Add On dedicated to the Minotaur 6 HD.
Any questions you have, please ask them here!
Now let's have the images talking!
In these images you have one example of use of application of smart shaders to whole environment (props behind the minotaur), and on Genesis David 5.

Looks wonderful and makes the minotaur more gotta have. I so love mythical creatures!
Thanks for this comment (I'm sorry, I obviously had un-suscribed from my thread and discover your answer today).
Well the fun can begin right now, the Minotaur is out today.
Any questions, remarks, feedback, can be posted here.
Be creative, and don't forget to have fun...
For the ones who want to experiment a bit more, the shaders provided with the Minotaur Skins work really fine on Genesis '1' ;)
It's a nice way to have plenty of Amazing Skins Presets for Genesis, you just have to select all the skins surfaces of Genesis, and apply one of the shader presets. I hope people will enjoy!