Daz Animation Keyframes resetting pose...PLS Help!!!

Hi. I am just trying to dForce my outfit, but it has been a morning of frustration learning this thing. (I am not really interested in actually animating anything, just fixing the blasted clothes.)

I have watched 4 videos and tried all the suggestions I can Google, but my first frame keeps changing and my character is falling through the floor. Here are my steps, and some screenshots:

1. I saved my pose as a preset.
2. I reset figure pose (not on tails or ear and foot geograft props) and then dragged her back to the spot on the scene (only Y and Z translation poses changed).
3. I opened the Timeline, made sure to select GF8 and Select All Children.
4. I clicked the save Keyframe button for frame 1.
5. I moved the Timeline to frame 30.
6. I applied my saved preset pose. Everything looked great. (as a note, I did not change any of the tails or the ear or feet props for either pose. The poses looked fine in both start pose and end for these items. Not sure if this is bugging things, but turning them invisible didn't have any effect other than horrible mesh nightmares after applying the pose. LOL.)
7. I selected GF8 and all children again and saved a new keyframe at frame 30.
8. Went back to frame 1, and everything is not great anymore. Sigh. She fell through the floor, and is now in her ending pose.

I already tried:

1. Reset figure pose and leave her at loading origin and animate her moving to pose 30 at new location.
2. Follow all step above but in between steps 4 and 5 I added a keyframe on frame 2 with the start pose.

I am out of ideas and can't find anything else to help.

Animation Timeline Problem 1.jpg
1920 x 1080 - 397K
Animation Timeline Problem 2.jpg
1920 x 1080 - 434K
Animation Timeline Problem 3.jpg
1920 x 1080 - 385K


  • cridgitcridgit Posts: 1,757
    edited May 2022


    Post edited by cridgit on
  • DafaDafa Posts: 97

    I think what is happening is that when you go to Frame 30 and apply the pose, you then translate it down on frame 30 because I assume it was floating and you need it to be on the ground.

    Try this:

    On Frame 1, set the pose how it's supposed to be. Select the root node, change the Key creation scope to "Node Recurse" and hit the Create Keys button. This will take some time, this ensures that every node and bone under the root node will not move when you apply changes in later frames. So there is no need to select all children. 

    On Frame 30, set the pose how it's supposed to be. You're done. If there are interpolation problems (like the character goes down then goes back up), try changing the interpolation type to Linear (I don't like TCP).

    I am aware your Timeline format is missing some functions, try making the timeline horizontal so you can see the Key creation scope OR choose the display options for the timeline pane and go to "Key Creation Scope", see below:


  • LoreMistress IzariaLoreMistress Izaria Posts: 145
    edited June 2021


    cridgit said:

    Only dforce surfaces should "fall". I've seen this with clothes or hair that drop to the floor but when there is no floor plane they fall through it.

    Is there any chance you set the character herself to a dforce surface? You can check under the parameters if there are simulation settings. But even so she should not fall through the object she's sitting on unless its very low poly, You can switch to the wireframe view to see if there is enough "mesh" or if she's likely to fall through it (assuming she is dforced).

    I didn't change any settings, and it appears the set is very high poly. I haven't even simulated anything yet. She is falling through the floor on the timeline before simulation. I am so confused since loading the character, morph and clothing only (edit: in a new scene) seems to work with simulation. I really wanted to get it to work draped over those tails though.

    Post edited by LoreMistress Izaria on
  • 31415926543141592654 Posts: 975

    In number 2, you "dragged her back to the spot".  Something is wrong with this in my mind. You will have to dig down and see if you have a keyframe there that drops her back down to a low spot in the timeline.   - - - supper is being served, I shall try to read this in more detail later - - - . But you may want to clean your timeline and start the poses over.

  • Dafa said:

    I think what is happening is that when you go to Frame 30 and apply the pose, you then translate it down on frame 30 because I assume it was floating and you need it to be on the ground.

    Try this:

    On Frame 1, set the pose how it's supposed to be. Select the root node, change the Key creation scope to "Node Recurse" and hit the Create Keys button. This will take some time, this ensures that every node and bone under the root node will not move when you apply changes in later frames. So there is no need to select all children. 

    On Frame 30, set the pose how it's supposed to be. You're done. If there are interpolation problems (like the character goes down then goes back up), try changing the interpolation type to Linear (I don't like TCP).

    I am aware your Timeline format is missing some functions, try making the timeline horizontal so you can see the Key creation scope OR choose the display options for the timeline pane and go to "Key Creation Scope", see below:

     I poked at this for a bit, but it was getting a bit more complicated than I was prepared for. I decided to try a fresh scene just to play with the dForce on the outift in this pose without morphs and geografted parts. It still exploded with my chosen pose. Since this is my first attempt at the animation timeline AND dForce, I am going to back up and do something simpler for this scene and spend more time making it complicated as I gain experience.

    BUT- I did learn a bit about the animation side of the program, and your tips helped my understand it more. So thank you for that!

    3141592654 said:

    In number 2, you "dragged her back to the spot".  Something is wrong with this in my mind. You will have to dig down and see if you have a keyframe there that drops her back down to a low spot in the timeline.   - - - supper is being served, I shall try to read this in more detail later - - - . But you may want to clean your timeline and start the poses over.

    I ended up opening a fresh scene and trying from scratch and got it to work- as far as animating the pose change. I think saving my pose with a location preset was messing me up. Now to find out how to fix a dForce explosion on my outfit. It loathes the yoga position and starts knitting the pants together. I ended up just putting a different outfit on her for this scene, since it doesn't matter for the 'story' of the image. This was the last step in finishing this project, and since it is the first serious project I've done since I came back to Daz (and any art in general since 2008) two months ago, I'll just chalk it up to growing pains. I'm learning everything all at once right now (my scattered brain likes it that way for some reason- I can't stand following a 'class'. LOL.).


    Thanks for trying to help!

  • brainmuffinbrainmuffin Posts: 1,221

    Is there anyway to do this with HEAT animations? Once imported, the figure is reset to 0,0,0.

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