Wishlist. It would be nice .... Lista dei desideri. Sarebbe bello che....

m_m_italym_m_italy Posts: 386
edited December 1969 in Hexagon Discussion

.....hexagon had a command to rotate (scale etc.) simultaneously more faces respect to an axis (axis of each single face) and not only with reference to a central axis of the group.
Sorry for my bad English.....


918 x 735 - 61K


  • Wee Dangerous JohnWee Dangerous John Posts: 1,605
    edited December 1969

    The one I would like most is (Hexagon wish list) a freeze window option, I would love to be able to lock the UV View window. While in split screen mode, I'm for ever zooming in etc by mistake.

  • patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006
    edited December 2014

    I wish that when a group is "frozen" that absolutely nothing done with the other groups would also affect it ... such as making all the shading domains go "poof".

    I wish that Edit > undo would ONLY undo the LAST action, not make all the shading domains [made many actions prior] go "poof".

    I wish that the Painting did not bleed all over the place.

    I wish that it had a "Request denied" instead of a "crash" everytime we ask it to do something goofy.

    I wish that it did NOT "unweld" already welded lines when line tessellations are being made.

    I really wish that we could affect a change to one part of a uvmap as they are divided by Shading Domains without it affecting all the rest of the uvmaps in their shading domains.

    Post edited by patience55 on
  • m_m_italym_m_italy Posts: 386
    edited December 1969

    I would like a command to recognize faces or lines of equal size.
    I would like to deform (bend) compared to objects and surfaces not only lines.
    sorry for my bad English.....

    1050 x 755 - 120K
  • RoygeeRoygee Posts: 2,247
    edited December 1969

    Hi Patience - my Hex already has all of your wishlist - excepting the "request denied" - that would be wonderful :)

  • patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006
    edited December 1969

    Roygee said:
    Hi Patience - my Hex already has all of your wishlist - excepting the "request denied" - that would be wonderful :)

    grrr ... hehehe ... okay. Well my wishes stand ... obviously what is working on one system doesn't necessarily work on all systems.

    Curious though, any special tricks to have paint not bleed?

    Or to make Shading Domains not go "poof" sometimes when doing an "Edit > undo"?
    One sure trigger is to weld a line, then Edit > undo ... 'poof' go the shading domains.

  • RoygeeRoygee Posts: 2,247
    edited December 1969

    By bleeding, I take it you mean that when you paint on one part, the texture shows up elsewhere? The simple answer to that is good, well laid-out UV maps. If you have overlapping UV's it will paint in more than one place - any texturing will do the same in any app. If you get this, select, in face mode, all of the UV map - if any parts show up darker than the rest, you have overlaps.

    My apologies regarding the shading domains going poof. I misunderstood. Yes, that will happen - for a very logical reason.

    When you make a shading domain, you are making a vertex group and reserving it for a shader. When you weld, you are changing the vertex count, therefore the group becomes null and void, which has the same effect on the rest of the shading domains - the same sort of effect on UV maps when you make changes to the mesh. The fact that undo doesn't go all the way back to the state before the action is obviously a design flaw.

    Logically, one should only do UV mapping and shading domain allocation at the end of the modelling process. One of Hex's weak points is that it doesn't have a method of making named vertex groups, so we "cheat" by using a shading domain for a method of making a fast re-selection of an area. This is not what shading domains were designed for, so one must expect it will not work well for that purpose if one still needs to do more modelling actions.

  • useroperatoruseroperator Posts: 247
    edited December 2014

    pretty much this entire wishlist is a bit too specific, while at the same time being useful in very limited scenarios.

    for example, the first one, you can do by selecting the proper lines or points and moving them accordingly. it'd be hard for a computer to infer what you intend without such steps.

    recognizing faces or lines of equal size isn't really all that useful at all, especially since most faces/lines are of the same size on a model.

    you can deform compared to objects/surfaces, sort of. but why wouldn't you want to bend to lines? objects are after all, made up of lines. you need lines to bend on things, otherwise there is no possible reference point for the object to bend on. you also need a reference point for the starting object to bend along its own set of lines. the computer cannot infer what to do and how without such data and methods.

    Post edited by useroperator on
  • GussNemoGussNemo Posts: 1,855
    edited December 1969

    I'm so with the wish of having an "Request Denied," or "You Can't do that," instead of all my time consuming work go up in smoke. Better yet, an explanation why doing this or that isn't allowed.

  • patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006
    edited December 1969

    Roygee said:
    By bleeding, I take it you mean that when you paint on one part, the texture shows up elsewhere? The simple answer to that is good, well laid-out UV maps. If you have overlapping UV's it will paint in more than one place - any texturing will do the same in any app. If you get this, select, in face mode, all of the UV map - if any parts show up darker than the rest, you have overlaps.

    My apologies regarding the shading domains going poof. I misunderstood. Yes, that will happen - for a very logical reason.

    When you make a shading domain, you are making a vertex group and reserving it for a shader. When you weld, you are changing the vertex count, therefore the group becomes null and void, which has the same effect on the rest of the shading domains - the same sort of effect on UV maps when you make changes to the mesh. The fact that undo doesn't go all the way back to the state before the action is obviously a design flaw.

    Logically, one should only do UV mapping and shading domain allocation at the end of the modelling process. One of Hex's weak points is that it doesn't have a method of making named vertex groups, so we "cheat" by using a shading domain for a method of making a fast re-selection of an area. This is not what shading domains were designed for, so one must expect it will not work well for that purpose if one still needs to do more modelling actions.

    Oh I make good use of the "temporary shading domains" lol ... because yes, the final uvmap and shading domains has to be done last.

    The bleeding problems were showing up on very good uvmaps, not overlapping at all. When I posted a query on it, the advice given was to forget it and use another program, which I do. But it's not perfect either so I can wish that Hexagon could paint ;-)

    While we're on "wishing", "loop edge" selections for creating seams would be nice too.
    The one great thing that Hexagon does do, is one can select seams from any angle, i.e. from the front or back of the face. Not all programs do that.

    ... and I do not know what it is called, but the tessellation option to choose where to put a line from one edge to another several faces away ... and the program is supposed to attach a line between the 2 points, joining with a line all the in between faces, it would be nice if that worked too.

  • RoygeeRoygee Posts: 2,247
    edited December 1969

    The bleeding problems were showing up on very good uvmaps, not overlapping at all. When I posted a query on it, the advice given was to forget it and use another program, which I do.

    I'd like to see an example of that - technically, overlapping VU's is the only reason this could happen. Which other application do you use? I use Carrara, which gives more options than Hex and have found that Hex's 3D paint is superior to Carrara's in some uses.

    While we’re on “wishing”, “loop edge” selections for creating seams would be nice too.

    Hex does have "loop selection" when UV mapping - does yours not work?

    ... and I do not know what it is called, but the tessellation option to choose where to put a line from one edge to another several faces away ... and the program is supposed to attach a line between the 2 points, joining with a line all the in between faces, it would be nice if that worked too.

    Some apps have a knife tool for that - Hex's equivalent is the "Free tessellate" - there are another three methods of achieving the same - "Surface tessellation", "Add points" and selecting two edges, do a "Between" selection and "Connect"

  • corthewcorthew Posts: 1
    edited December 1969

    I'd be happy if they just made Hex 64bit.

    Its pretty powerful feature-wise.

  • m_m_italym_m_italy Posts: 386
    edited December 1969

    A function to easily insert points along a line.
    Line (click)
    Number of points (clik)

    Got It :)
    The points are placed with equal distance.

  • useroperatoruseroperator Posts: 247
    edited December 1969

    m_m_italy said:
    A function to easily insert points along a line.
    Line (click)
    Number of points (clik)

    Got It :)
    The points are placed with equal distance.

    you can already do this with line tessellation options rather quickly with not much effort. the interface can only fit soo many features before they become redundant and convoluted. there's already 2-3 ways to go about doing something. one of hexagons primary benefits is its relatively straight forward interface. interfaces like blender has, is one of the reasons I don't even use those programs. just too convoluted, custom made up terms you've gotta learn, menu's within menu's within menu's.

  • m_m_italym_m_italy Posts: 386
    edited December 1969

    m_m_italy said:
    A function to easily insert points along a line.
    Line (click)
    Number of points (clik)

    Got It :)
    The points are placed with equal distance.

    you can already do this with line tessellation options rather quickly with not much effort. the interface can only fit soo many features before they become redundant and convoluted. there's already 2-3 ways to go about doing something. one of hexagons primary benefits is its relatively straight forward interface. interfaces like blender has, is one of the reasons I don't even use those programs. just too convoluted, custom made up terms you've gotta learn, menu's within menu's within menu's.

    I agree.
    However, what remains for me I indicate a lack that would make it even more super hexagon.
    My English is always bad and more.

  • patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006
    edited December 1969

    Roygee said:
    The bleeding problems were showing up on very good uvmaps, not overlapping at all. When I posted a query on it, the advice given was to forget it and use another program, which I do.

    I'd like to see an example of that - technically, overlapping VU's is the only reason this could happen. Which other application do you use? I use Carrara, which gives more options than Hex and have found that Hex's 3D paint is superior to Carrara's in some uses.

    While we’re on “wishing”, “loop edge” selections for creating seams would be nice too.

    Hex does have "loop selection" when UV mapping - does yours not work?

    ... and I do not know what it is called, but the tessellation option to choose where to put a line from one edge to another several faces away ... and the program is supposed to attach a line between the 2 points, joining with a line all the in between faces, it would be nice if that worked too.

    Some apps have a knife tool for that - Hex's equivalent is the "Free tessellate" - there are another three methods of achieving the same - "Surface tessellation", "Add points" and selecting two edges, do a "Between" selection and "Connect"

    Re Bleeding ... if I remember the request, no problem ... but the idea is very basic, one has say a square of uvmap on a sheet of paper, one paints one side, and the paint goes where applied plus crossing borders onto other areas not being painted on. Not in solid masses per sa, more like streaking.

    Re Loop Selection ... aside from hitting "l" on the keyboard ... you know, I don't know ... could be I missed a button.
    In another program one can immediately see where the line will go before committing to it.

    Re Free Tessellate ... yeah, it's the one in there which often splits a welded line and crashes the program as it won't complete the welding tasks through to the next line(s) as it is supposed to.

    Re zapping the shading domains/uvmaps ... the action being "undone" was itself nothing to affect either, hence the Edit > undo [or the check for holes] commands should not be IMHO zapping them. However they do and so I make use of that fact at times to clean up a long list of no longer wanted shading domains.

  • RoygeeRoygee Posts: 2,247
    edited December 1969

    Hey, what can I say? I've done extensive tests to try to imitate what your'e getting, but everything simply works :)

    Attached is a paint job done on a single poly - nary a sign of bleeding or painting where I didn't paint.

    I do remember years back when I used Blacksmith for painting. That does automatic UV layout, where it lays out every poly as tri's, so the mapping should be perfect for 3D painting. It would do the sort of streaks of which you speak - but that was because I was very new at this and my topology was real bad.

    When you do a loop-select to define a seam in UV mapping, it does show the loop and you don't commit to it unless you hit the + button. If you then decide it is in the wrong place, you can simply re-select it and hit the - button.

    The reason I only use the holes function to detect holes and not fix them is not because it doesn't work - it does - but because it will fill the hole with a single poly, which often means an n-gon.

    It would be interesting to hear whether others get the same faults you do and try to find a reason and solution :)

    1600 x 900 - 365K
  • m_m_italym_m_italy Posts: 386
    edited December 1969

    I indicated a tutorial to understand how the mapping in hex?
    Thanks and happy holidays

  • patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006
    edited December 2014

    m_m_italy said:
    I indicated a tutorial to understand how the mapping in hex?
    Thanks and happy holidays

    ? sorry, you have one OR you want one?


    edit to add: at the moment [atm] I have one here: Uvmapping in Hexagon a Cube.

    It is not what I call comprehensive, but does cover a few points.
    It is free :-)

    Post edited by patience55 on
  • patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006
    edited December 2014

    Okay Roygee, pictures :-)


    Images are numbered, appearing to be showing out of sequence.

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    Post edited by patience55 on
  • patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006
    edited December 2014

    And the last 2.

    Now, if there be some button I should have clicked on, or not clicked on ... okay ... but as things are right now, paint does not work in Hexagon on my system.

    Blacks3D paint, old edition now [the one before they went to subscription], can paint on provided templates or make new ones which make the 1500 piece puzzles look like child's play ... BUT, while I'm sure there's a way to paint very nicely with it, it would appear to be rather a time challenging method of figuring or guessing how to ... the paint "runs down the sides" of the objects [as if one literally poured paint over it] making for the very stretch image which was what we don't want and why we unfold the templates in the first place. So anything I've painted in there is rather hit and miss for success.

    3DCoat [$100 off pro prices atm for a few days] does all kinds of neat things. Learning curves abound there too BUT so far, everything seems to work. [except one cannot make morphs with it ... or at least not with the educational license. It insists to change the mesh]
    It has the loop select that illuminates the line about to be chosen very nicely ;-) One can decide then to either select it or move on whereas in Hexagon, yes one can select, loop, and then select and de-select it ... just seemed to me to be a touch classier to see it first then select or not.

    1503 x 799 - 379K
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    Post edited by patience55 on
  • RoygeeRoygee Posts: 2,247
    edited December 1969

    Could you put the .hxn file up somewhere like 4shared and PM me the link. I'd like to take a closer look - something not right there :)

    Cheers and a merry Christmas to you and everyone else :)

  • m_m_italym_m_italy Posts: 386
    edited December 1969

    m_m_italy said:
    I indicated a tutorial to understand how the mapping in hex?
    Thanks and happy holidays

    ? sorry, you have one OR you want one?


    edit to add: at the moment [atm] I have one here: Uvmapping in Hexagon a Cube.

    It is not what I call comprehensive, but does cover a few points.
    It is free :-)

    Sorry - sorry - sorry.


    It's not nice to ignore English


  • Wee Dangerous JohnWee Dangerous John Posts: 1,605
    edited December 1969

    Thought of something else which would come in handy on the UVmapping side of things - It would be nice if the rotate dials etc actually did something.

  • RoygeeRoygee Posts: 2,247
    edited December 1969

    Not quite with you there, John - which dials etc. would that be?

    All the UV controls on Hex work as intended for me :)

  • Wee Dangerous JohnWee Dangerous John Posts: 1,605
    edited December 1969

    Hi Roygee, for me changing the property dials effect the model in the working windows, I would like to be able to move, rotate, scale the map using the dials as-well.

    1677 x 994 - 239K
  • RoygeeRoygee Posts: 2,247
    edited December 1969

    OK - gotcha!

    Yeah - those aren't part of the UV mapping system. Couldn't be anyway, because they are 3D and UV maps are a 2D :)

    The universal manipulator does an excellent job of what you are looking for - better than most apps I've tried.

  • patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006
    edited December 1969

    Roygee said:
    Could you put the .hxn file up somewhere like 4shared and PM me the link. I'd like to take a closer look - something not right there :)

    Cheers and a merry Christmas to you and everyone else :)

    I'll put it on the list lol ... ty.

    Happy New Year too!

  • patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006
    edited December 1969

    m_m_italy said:
    m_m_italy said:
    I indicated a tutorial to understand how the mapping in hex?
    Thanks and happy holidays

    ? sorry, you have one OR you want one?


    edit to add: at the moment [atm] I have one here: Uvmapping in Hexagon a Cube.

    It is not what I call comprehensive, but does cover a few points.
    It is free :-)

    Sorry - sorry - sorry.


    It's not nice to ignore English


    Oh everybody ignores me ... sigh ...

    I have started another modeling thread too which will have some uvmapping tips in it now and then. You may find some useful information here and there. Some starts about here: click here.

    One can use the uvmap to help select parts for grouping, making shading domains and stuff like that too.


    L'OH ognuno lo ignora… sigh…

    Ho iniziato un altro filetto modellante ugualmente che ora ed allora gli avrà alcune punte uvmapping. Potete trovare alcune informazione utili qui e là. Alcuno comincia circa qui: ...

    uno può usare il uvmap per aiutare le parti prescelte per il raggruppamento, facendo proteggere i dominii ed il roba come quello anche.

    I use World Lingo to translate so somethings might be totally nonsense, ignore if so ;-)
    Utilizzo la masserella del mondo per tradurre in modo da i somethings potrebbero essere completamente assurdità, ignorano in caso affermativo; -)

  • m_m_italym_m_italy Posts: 386
    edited December 1969

    m_m_italy said:
    m_m_italy said:
    I indicated a tutorial to understand how the mapping in hex?
    Thanks and happy holidays

    ? sorry, you have one OR you want one?


    edit to add: at the moment [atm] I have one here: Uvmapping in Hexagon a Cube.

    It is not what I call comprehensive, but does cover a few points.
    It is free :-)

    Sorry - sorry - sorry.


    It's not nice to ignore English


    Oh everybody ignores me ... sigh ...

    I have started another modeling thread too which will have some uvmapping tips in it now and then. You may find some useful information here and there. Some starts about here: click here.

    One can use the uvmap to help select parts for grouping, making shading domains and stuff like that too.


    L'OH ognuno lo ignora… sigh…

    Ho iniziato un altro filetto modellante ugualmente che ora ed allora gli avrà alcune punte uvmapping. Potete trovare alcune informazione utili qui e là. Alcuno comincia circa qui: ...

    uno può usare il uvmap per aiutare le parti prescelte per il raggruppamento, facendo proteggere i dominii ed il roba come quello anche.

    I use World Lingo to translate so somethings might be totally nonsense, ignore if so ;-)
    Utilizzo la masserella del mondo per tradurre in modo da i somethings potrebbero essere completamente assurdità, ignorano in caso affermativo; -)


    Thank You.
    I try to understand.
    you've tried to write Italian.
    not perfect but thanks

  • m_m_italym_m_italy Posts: 386
    edited December 1969

    Roygee said:
    Could you put the .hxn file up somewhere like 4shared and PM me the link. I'd like to take a closer look - something not right there :)

    Cheers and a merry Christmas to you and everyone else :)

    Thank You.......in ritardo

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