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Simple masking in Fusion, not easy for a complex scenes, just rendered a car against pure white baskdrop with white floor, lol
That's a great model. Does anyone know how to get it into Carrara with the bones and textures intact. I used an obj and got the textures (and a little extra geometry), but the doors and windows don't move.
If you look at the import options for OBJ, the default is to bring everything in as a single model, but there are options to have different mesh per group or per surface, so you could look at those to see if they import the parts separately. Otherwise it is getting your hands dirty and creating a new blank vertex object, cut the parts from the original model and paste them into the new blank model - otfen easier said than done, I know! Do this multiple times for each part you want to articulate, and then parent them appropriately in the Assemble room.
Thanks Phil. I tried various obj import options and I always ended up with one object. I was afraid you'd say there was no easy way to break up the model. I'll try the brute force method.
If you double click a polygon on say the door, it will select all the polys in that polymesh (one object can have multiple meshes within it), so with luck, it will select all of the door and just the door, which will make the cutting and pasting easy. Altermatively, select one poly and them use the "+" option to expand the selection, this will eventually select all connected polys. It will depend on how the model has been constructed as to what the best method will be.
Yes. I tried that first. After import the file was empty.
thats very helpful. I'll give it a try.
LuxusCore.mcx failed to load, crashes Carrara 8.5 and 8.1. Thought it was good till the end on November. Worked yesterday, but not today. Could be because I updated to the latest update for Windows 10??
It's still working for me.
Went through Windows 10. As I have an intel graphic card, I don't use opencl, so it might be that
I updated my nvidia drivers and all is well, cpu mode only
lookin forward to luxcore :D
Another build with some improvements to the render settings UI. It times out the end of 2015.
Win64 Build ->
Notes on the render settings UI
-> it is minimalistic. More will come.
-> Sampler and Accelerator are usually best to leave at AUTO. METROPOLIS for indoor scenes. SOBOL for animations.
-> Halt time is in seconds. Halt SPP is Samples Per Pixel and then the rendering will stop. 100 would be on the low end, 1000 can take a while.
-> ToneMapper. AUTOLINEAR is best for previewing and before final lighting is done. You will never get a bright image or a dark image.
-> ToneMapper. LINEAR has one adjustment, scale. Lower is darker, Higher is brighter. We may need to add more decimal places to go very low.
-> ToneMapper. LuxLinear is an ISO, Shutter, FStop paradigm for how bright things should be. Sensitivity(ISO), Exposure(Shutter speed), and FStop.
-> ToneMapper. Reinhard02 is a nonlinear tonemapper. Google LuxRender Reinhard for an explanation.
-> Gamma. You can adjust it, but 2.2 is usually what people leave this at. 1.8 is the other commonly used value here.
-> Lens Radius(in meters) is how large the Lens is. A larger lens will have more depth of field effect. 0.5 is very blurry.
-> Focal Distance(in meters) is where the focus for depth of field effects is.
-> Config Settings and Scene Settings or for things not supported in the Render Settings UI yet. There are many.
As a side note. I have a laptop with a GeForce 680M. I updated my driver to the latest and LuxusCore would NOT work. LuxMark also would not work.
-> I had to roll back to the December 2014 GeForce drivers to get it to work.
Thank you, SphericLabs
Nice to see you're still active on the Luxcore subject.
Thanks for the heads up on the nvidia drivers
I may have missed it, SphericalLabs, any thought to adding Carrara Hair -> Lux Hair system or the plant system. For LuxCore or perhaps a Luxus 2.0 (paid upgrade or just new purchase product)
Another build that now supports Carrara Hair.
Win64 Build ->
Currently there is no auto-conversion of the hair shader as far as color, so by default you get white hair. You can change the hair shader to a LuxCore Surface.
Awesome! Thank you!!!
Hi SphericLabs,
Hair support is great. It export and render quickly and the result is very close of what you'd expect.
There is one drawback. When you use Luxcore Surface, Carrara looses the hair shader. The point is that hair shader also supports length, density, frizz, kink ....
So, if you launch IPR BEFORE changing the shader, everything is fine.
But, if you launch it after or if you launch the final rendering, the hair are not generated correctly.
You can try with the "blond ND" which is part of Carrara content which uses some of this features.
Thank you anyway for the effort
Then the best way to keep that is probably to keep the Hair Shader and allow people to set a LuxCore Material on the Tip or Root. Ideally both, but I will have to think about how to handle both.
Another build.
Win64 Build ->
LuxusCore will look for a LuxCore material in the Tip Color slot of the hair shader See image.
Also, emissive hair is kind of trippy
Very cool! that is great!
So if you want to do high res (for printing) would you say that the IPR is more for screen resolution renders?
IPR is great for adjusting materials and light values.
For high res you can render(using LuxusCore) in the render room.
Wow! Carrara hair support! Very awesome.
One thing I do not understand is the message: The scene doesn't include any light source , when it clearly does, in fact it has it's own LuxCore Sun-Sky thingie in, what is going on ???
Also chrashes Carrara on few older scenes
Weird. You are welcome to zip up your scene and PM me a link. I will take a look.
I also had same as FifthElement. Came back to try out after some months away and hit this problem. I had an indoor scene with standard spot and bulbs found same message, deleted all those and tries Luxcore lights, same message. Emmiisive globes did work if I replaced other lights, renderer only of course. Funnily, I went to build a simple box with a single luxus light and a sphere inside, that worked, as did your standard test scene.
I hit an additional problem too, the renderer 'halt' slider works only on max and min settings. Anywhere inbetween does nothing and clicking render immediately locks Carrara, have to exit with task manager.
FYI, I have Radeon R9 290 GPU. Gave up again after meeting these problems. This is looking really good otherwise, and I'll buy it when all the bugs are ironed out.