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LuxCore metal out of the box looks really good. Not sure how the map metalness would help but maybe.
Luxus does not handle Carrara hair. I think people have been composing the two render together.
So cool to have to go full screen. Awesome.
Had another try (the second image) at LuxCore using the last build. The first build seemed a bit faster than this, but I may be wrong since I tried with a different scene set up this time, with two carrara bulb lights in the scene at the same time with the LuxCore Sun-Sky with Do Sky turned off, Turbidity at 2.0, Sun's relative size at 10% and Gain set to 0.005 (I was trying hard to cut back on the washed out feel). The rendering took an hour and a half. The first image what I usually get from my typical Carrara setting with AO only.
I'm still able to render in LuxCore only with PATHCPU turned on and I could not use the IPR as it froze the system when I tried. I also tried to apply LuxCore materials for the skin in the shader room, this happened to freeze the system badly.I suspect this may be made worse by my Nvidia GeForece GT 525 which I've just learnt, thanks to iClone 6, is not that hot. Perhaps machines with more capable graphics cards would be more stable and definitely faster by reasonable degrees.
I'm still getting way too much light from LuxCore and would need to find a way to put it under control.
An overall brightness is most certainly needed. After gettings things setup, we should be able to do lots of tweaking without having to restart the render.
Thanks for the update!
Just did a quick test, and no crashing, but it seems to be picking the Intel 4000 GPU (maybe??) instead of the Nvidia.
Unmodified settings - 0.67M s/s (CPU usage maxes out?)
Using the settings for the GPU - 1.17M s/s
Using setting for CPU only - 0.98M s/s
Okay there seems to be an issue here I loaded a new scene and then loaded stonemasons urban future 3 prop and then i did a test render with default settings in luxcore it worked fine so i saved the scene and restarted carrara (i do this alot especially if I'm working with something beta) i reloaded the scene deleted the camera and loaded a camera i had stored with animation. that's all i changed I saved and then rendered but now it wont do anything the grey render window is back and nothing happens. just to make sure i started from scratch and recreated the same scene but to no avail it still wont render
That is odd. GPU memory is shared across all your programs. I wonder if it barely fit before and now that you have other stuff running, more GPU memory it being used. My Firefox will sometimes take up to 200 mb.of GPU memory.
Thanks for the update!
Just did a quick test, and no crashing, but it seems to be picking the Intel 4000 GPU (maybe??) instead of the Nvidia.
Unmodified settings - 0.67M s/s (CPU usage maxes out?)
Using the settings for the GPU - 1.17M s/s
Using setting for CPU only - 0.98M s/s
oops. I am surprised. I would think the Intel 4000 would not even be able to run it.
That is odd. GPU memory is shared across all your programs. I wonder if it barely fit before and now that you have other stuff running, more GPU memory it being used. My Firefox will sometimes take up to 200 mb.of GPU memory.
Ok thats probably the case as i turned off all extra stuff even killed some background programs just in case and now it is working
An overall brightness is most certainly needed. After gettings things setup, we should be able to do lots of tweaking without having to restart the render.
Okay, looking forward to that.
See the animated version on YouTube at
This is another test of LuxusCore Carrara Pro 8.5 Pro's animation rendering capabilities before it expires at the end of the month. It is rendered at 2 minutes per frame at 1280 X 720. The poem is "Fire and Ice" by Robert Frost.
Thanks to SphericLabs for all his hard work and help. His programming skills are impressive and it's great to see people building great stuff for Carrara. I look forward to buying the final build. :)
Joe Pingleton,
Great stuff, very nice animation and the lighting is very nice.
I didn't have much luck with LuxCore although I didn't try it for very long. I couldn't get any shaders to show consistently.
Thanks mmoir,
Luxcore does take some experimenting, but it also finally makes lux renders a viable option for animation.
I was having problems with the shaders up until the last build, then it seemed to take default Carrara shaders.
The one thing I would really like to see in the final build is more light options. ;)
Hey Joeping,
I just tried it again and I got further with the shaders , I don't know why but texture maps showed up and I could render in the render room as well . I was looking for this as an animation option as well, it will also work for my Architectural renderings. I do architectural renderings professionally with carrara so this would definitely be nice.
Awesome stuff.
There will be a new build tomorrow that will work for January and hopefully have some fixes and improvements. Been busy lately.
In regards to getting things working, it seems like a few already setup scene to start from, or at least learn from are in order.
Happy Dance
SphericLabs you rule!
+1 or the happy dance!
Found the courage to take a dive into the shader room to experiment some more with my avatar, with great help from Jonstark's post here.
Still miles away from an acceptable result, the skin looks funny and after 6 hours of rendering, the noise is still visible in some places, but I chalk that down to not having enough knowledge yet on what to do. An interesting exercise nonetheless.
This sounds great , to have a scene setup already would probably help quite a bit.
Here is a build that will work till the end of January. Win64 only still.
Not much other changes finalized in this build.
Great tool, looks very promising.
I found a bug:
Render something with photorealistic, dont delete the picture in the render room, switch render engine to luxcore, go back to assemble room, "ctrl-r" to render and you wont be able to enter the render room anymore. Always message: "an error occured :-"
Marvelous plugin.
17 min., and it uses Carrara- and LuxCoreshader.
Wish you a happy new year
Nice renders , I wish I was so lucky .
As soon as I load a genesis figure with textures applied Carrara/LuxCore stops responding.
1 Open Carrara and drag in the base Genesis figure from browser.
2.Drag a Material preset onto the Genesis figure.
3.Turn on the LuxCore IPR via the Edit menu.
Here Carrara hangs and is no longer useable , I have to restart the computer.
My graphics card is a AMD HD radeon 7570 running the Carrara 8.5.1 Beta build 12
This could be very redundant, but update your drivers?
Please try this in your config settings:
renderengine.type = PATHCPU
if that works then we know its something with the opencl. remove that line and try: = 001
and then try: = 01
I tried to break the latest build of Luxcore Carrara by using the "Forest Superior" model. I was never able to use it in LUX without changing all the materials and I never had the patience for that. This experiment uses all the native shaders and was rendered using Luxcore Carrara's IPR. It handled it like it was nothing different than a simple scene. I love this plug in.
Click here to view the stereoscopic 3D version at 3dLive
When I put " renderengine.type = PATHCPU" in the config settings I could then put the Genesis figure in the scene,apply the tmap without carrara hanging or crashing. So, I then added the " = 001" and Carrara didn't like this much. I then added the " = 01" line and then I could render things out fine.
I am still having issues but this has allowed me to open Genesis figures and render them. I haven't updated my drivers for my graphics card yet so hopefully this fixes my other issues.
Basically when I load a scene created in Carrara none of the texture maps show up, I will test more later.
Question for Spheric Labs.... Do you plan to include the Glossy Translucent material in the future? Haven't played a lot with LuxusCore as I'd only just bought Carrara Luxus and had spent a time doing new V6 shaders based on Jonstark's sterling post. From that work I think Glossy Translucent would be essential for skin shaders, especially if wet? Just loaded your new build and a quick check shows it is not there. Not complaining, you understand, appreciate that you have a life too, just asking if it will appear in the future?
Don't think I want to use Luxus anymore, after having seen the speed and preview cpability of LuxusCore. It flies on my recently updated GPU, I just don't want to spend time on new shaders again if they will need changing yet again in the future. Might have a little play though :-)
Yes. In fact I thought glossytranslucent was all ready to go yesterday, but it is only working in PATHCPU for me.
Having to redo the shaders is a pain, but I did not want LuxusCore to require Luxus. I have thought to update Luxus so those materials work with LuxusCore or a command that automatically sets up the LuxusCore materials if you have Luxus materials.
I might have a bug here. Objects from Carrara's browser tray do not seem to play too well with Luxcore, it's either the textures don't translate at all (as has proven to be the case everytime with terrains) and refuse to respond in any logical way to anything done in the shader room to remedy that) or the objects just don't render at all, sometimes only small parts of the objects show up in the render. Had the same problem with 3d text generated in Carrara in one project, but in another project it translated fine, so the problem for 3d text might be font specific or something. If any of these have been explained away in previous threads, please forgive as I've only started working at catching up with Luxus with this Luxcore offering.
Plus PATHOCL still crashes the PC big time.
Many thanks.
I have the same issue - some objects will not appear in the render. I tried to change shaders, but it does not help.
For example, I have an object mounted on a camera tripod. The tripod does not render at all, and the object it holds, seems to be hang in the air.