Kameez textures missing

WsCGWsCG Posts: 391
edited June 2021 in Carrara Discussion

Hello again,

I seem to have found another bump in the road lol.

Setting up a character for some basic lighting and other "getting used to Carrara stuff".
Decided to use the Kameez outfit, which I also purchased the texture pack for.

For some reason, though, none of the textures for Kameez shows up in Carrara. For the original item, or the extra textures. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling through DIM, but that didn't make a difference.

Attached some screenshots to show what I mean.

Any clues on how to fix this? 


946 x 542 - 43K
2555 x 1385 - 289K
633 x 446 - 36K
Post edited by WsCG on


  • Bunyip02Bunyip02 Posts: 8,827

    Hello TwoCats

    The texture files are dsa which Carrara does not read.

    2 options :-

    - Use DAZ Studio to save the materials you want to use as a Material Preset duf file

    or - Manually load the maps into the Carrara shaders for the clothing items

  • WsCGWsCG Posts: 391
    edited June 2021

    Ahh.. Well that's a bummer. 

    So, that's something else I'll have to look out for, then, when purchasing content. Making sure it's a format Carrara can use. 

    I'll hold off on the converting or importing method for now. Trying not to complicate things for myself, though I keep running into situations that are doing it for me xD.

    I'm being reminded how Carrara really fights you and complicates things that "just work" out of the box in other software. For example, I'm dealing with lights not illuminating objects in a scene, and googling for a basic tutorial on how to set up lighting to see what I'm doing wrong. Other software, you set up a light, you point it at an object, it illuminates that object. In Carrara, there's apparently specific steps required to make that happen. Sunlight, Distant light, spotlight, etc.. nothing's lighting my figure. I'm not sure why that is, but I'd be lying if I said it wasn't irritating. 

    I suspect a lot of this is due to Carrara being kind of "frozen in time", compounded by DAZ having switched from creating Poser content to creating their own format, and all the weirdness that creates. For example, my impression from Dartanbeck and others is that Genesis 1 and related content is fully supported by Carrara. Yet, the materials for Kameez, which is made for Genesis, isn't compatible and requires a work-around. That gives me pause about buying more content, as now I have to check what format its materials are in. That shouldn't be necessary.

    Maybe for those used to the DAZ/Carrara ecosystem, this is "just how it's done" and is normal. But coming from other software where things work intuitively and consistently (e.g. place a light in a scene, it lights the scene as you'd expect, and you can tweak it from there), it's really confounding. It creates a lot of obstacles that really needn't exist, but for this weird zombie state DAZ keeps Carrara in, and its users are left to  figure out work-arounds. That just seems wrong to me, especially since Carrara is a paid product.

    They shouldn't be charging $285 for a product they're not supporting and, in fact, are clearly hiding and distancing themselves from. Take a good look around the website. If you didn't know they sold Carrara, besides the forum category, would you have any idea it even exists? According to DAZ Central, the only things that exist are DAZ Studio, Hexagon and Blender Bridge, which they PUSH on  you as soon as you load the program. Even DIM now immediately pops up this "DOWNLOAD THIS STUFF!" window on first run, and it's DAZ Studio, supporting content and Hexagon. They're overtly pushing users in a specific direction, and Carrara is nowhere in sight.

    The only reason they even keep it alive is obviously because it's basically free money for them. No support. No marketing. Yet they can sell it for $285. Also, I'd wager the vast majority of people still buying early generation content are the Carrara users. So, it's almost pure profit for them. No brainer.

    But anyway... Not expecting this to change. I'm just ranting.


    Post edited by WsCG on
  • UnifiedBrainUnifiedBrain Posts: 3,588

    Twocats - you are having an issue.  From that issue, you are structuring a reality that is unfamiliar to me.

    When I insert a light and point it at an object in Carrara, it illuminates the object as expected.  There is no weirdness.  Maybe if you give an example it will help illustrate your issue?

    When I load a character, I regularly adjust the maps or load different maps to suit my needs.  Loading maps in Carrara is not complicated at all.  The shader room is one of the highlights of Carrara.

    If you consider loading maps to be an inconvienience, and prefer simpler character options, then Daz Studio is the way to go.  All other software - ALL OTHER SOFTWARE - will require some degree of manipulation to get Daz characters to work "out of the box.".  And even Daz Studio is not 100%. :)

    Carrara is primarily designed for artists who chafe at the constraints and clutteredness of Daz Studio.  To me, Carrara is kind of left-brained, and Carrara is kind of right-brained.

    Both softwares, of course, can achieve great results.

  • StezzaStezza Posts: 8,252

    @TwoCats that's a strange content setup in the content tab... haven't seen anyone with that setup before... surprise

  • Bunyip02Bunyip02 Posts: 8,827
    edited June 2021

    Kameez - maps loaded into Carrara Shaders. Hardest part was opening a clothing item in DAZ Studio and applying a material to it to locate where the textures were hidden !

    Kameez 1.png
    1280 x 800 - 2M
    Post edited by Bunyip02 on
  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,625
    edited June 2021

    the ones I have are found here



    Post edited by WendyLuvsCatz on
  • Bunyip02Bunyip02 Posts: 8,827

    Thanks Wendy !!

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,726

    TwoCats said:

    Ahh.. Well that's a bummer. 

    So, that's something else I'll have to look out for, then, when purchasing content. Making sure it's a format Carrara can use. 

    I'll hold off on...

    ~ snip ~

    ... I'm just ranting.

    Well, I can understand your frustration in these early stages. But 'giving up' is just that.

    In Carrara, yes, we have a few simple workarounds to get used to, and once we know them they are really quite simple to accomplish. 


    Once we learn those things and get past them, Carrara can easily become a lot quicker and easier to use than many other things - something I've found to be exceptionally true when it come to animation. But we also have the power to be able to actually tweak the mesh of any component directly without export/import in many situations, etc., etc.,


    Any time we step into a new 3D app, we must expect there to be a bit of a learning curve. That's all.


    That said, trying to figure out of a product at Daz 3d has incompatible parts with Carrara is not really possible. There is really no true way to tell by examining in the store.

    Buy Something That Doesn't Work in Carrara? Post your Questions and Workarounds here is a place to look for problematic content that people have bought - as well as possibly learning how they got around to solving it.


    Another analogy of all of this: It took me quite some time to figure out how to play the drums. No lessons available made me have teach my limbs to behave independently in very odd ways. But since I've been making money with those drums for 41 years now, that year and a half of hell was well worth it, to me!


    My first Carrara animation make me laugh!

    About a year later, Genesis comes out and the Carrara 8.5 beta

    ...but, I was still content to use V4 and M4

    Now it's just an awful lot of fun!

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,726

    Again, this simple walkthrough video can really help to illustrate a simple method of getting used to setting up characters and clothes in Carrara

  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,225
    edited June 2021

    Hi TwoCats.

    The character sets for Victoria 4 (and earlier), Michael 4 (and earlier), Genesis, and Genesis 2 are compatible with Carrara 8.5.  Feel confident acquiring character presets for those figures for use in Carrara.  For any of them including Victoria 4, it is generally a good a idea to tweak surfaces, etc for Carrara's render engine, just like it is a good idea within Daz Studio to tweak surfaces if one switches back and forth between the Daz Studio render engines for 3Delight, Iray, and Filiment.  

    Philemo made a free plugin that applies Duf file shaders much better in Carrara.  I will have to seek it out and look for an example of use.

    Meanwhile I have a series of posts going step by step how I create and save a 1-click Carrara global shader from a character preset that I purchased for Genesis 2.  After I have saved this, future uses of the product are loaded with a single click and drag from my shader browser tab to the globe in the texture room.  That one click applies all maps and all settings of the character.

    What does not work in Carrara 8.5 is geografts.  There are a number of clever workarounds, but a monster character for genesis that uses geografts like the minotaur is problematic.  The geograft process screws up the UVs.  One workaround is applying 2 geografts, one to the figure to get the shape correct, but turn off its visibility to hide the screwed up UVs, then conform the second geograft to the first.  Leave the second visible.

    For my walk-through of how I manually create my global shader preset for 1-click future use, see a string of posts starting here.


    Follow along from one of these screenshots to the last.  The string of posts has a discussion of specific settings that may also be of interest.

    carrara skin shader 1.jpg
    1509 x 656 - 149K
    carrara skin shader 2.jpg
    1350 x 527 - 81K
    Post edited by Diomede on
  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,225

    Here is a link to Philemo's Carrara time saver utilities.  https://sourceforge.net/projects/carrara-time-savers/


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