DIM problem

I have a new Windows 10 64bit laptop that I am trying to move my Daz content to. The first thing I did was installed DIM to the location Daz reccommends....C:\Program Files\DAZ 3D\DAZ3DIM1. I have used Open and Run as Administrator to do this. When it opens on my laptop, I enter my password, but the DIM closes.
Thanks for your help in advance..........
Don't run as adminsitrator - if DIM needs to have elevated privilges it will launch a secondary tool and the system will prompt you to allow it.
Sorry, rereading I think you mean you have tried with and without - there is a security component that, on some sysems, seems to cause this issue.
Did you move your old DIM to your laptop or did you download it fresh from DAZ site to be sure you have the latest version? I once or twice put off doing DIM updates and when I'd try to go in it would not let me and I had to get the latest from the site. So if it's been some time and you tried to just transfer it.... might cause issues.
I have downloaded the latest version, I have moved DIM from my old PC to the new one, I have downloaded it using Open and Run as Administator , I have disabled Windows Defender before downloading and I downloaded it to new folder in..... C>Programs>MyDaz. Nothing works...........
Just wondering - do you happen to have Apps disabled in your settings? You'd know if you do because you have to do that manually on Win10
Just asking because I know it's fairly common for folks to immediately turn off a bunch of Windows features in 10 right away.
The RansomeWare was disabled and I also disabled Windows Defender, that did not help. I have several other apps that were no problem downloading, Affinity Designer and Photo, Crazy Talk Animator 3 and 4
Something strange is going on. I just recently built a new computer and had no troubles with DIM whatsoever. Then again, it was one of the very first things I installed. I am a Daz-aholic, after all!